Husfasad, Nya St Eriks Ögonsjukhus

Division of Eye and Vision

The Division of Eye and vision which is located at St. Erik Eye Hospital, conducts education at the undergraduate, advanced and postgraduate levels, as well as research with the aim of developing the eye care of the future.

Photo: Arkitektillustration

Latest news


Intravitreal MPTP drives retinal ganglion cell loss with oral nicotinamide treatment providing robust neuroprotection

We have developed a model characterized by the specific loss of retinal ganglion cells with relevance to optic neuropathies and Parkinson’s disease. Importantly, NAM is neuroprotective in this model, supporting its use as a model for studying neuroprotection and the potential for NAM to be of use to a broad array of metabolic and neurodegenerative insults in the eye.

FoUU committee

The FoUU committee is a joint committee for St. Erik's hospital management and the Divison of Eye and Vision, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. The committee deals with matters relating to research, development and education and decides on research and education funds from Region Stockholm.

FoUU committé St.Erik Eye Hospital and Division of Eye and Vision, KI Photo: Tony Pansell


The FoUU committee after the strategy day on 21 May
