NeuroimAging – Grégoria Kalpouzos group

Our research focuses on the effects of normal and pathological aging on structural, molecular, mechanical and functional brain integrity, in relation to cognition. We also study genetic, physiological and lifestyle factors that modulate age-related brain and cognitive changes. We use a broad range of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques and positron emission tomography. We also develop deep learning methods that we apply to neuroimaging.

Decorative image showing three profiles with visible brains.

Latest news and activities at ARC

Research news


Selected publications

Contributions of the Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Val158Met Polymorphism to Changes in Brain Iron Across Adulthood and Their Relationships to Working Memory.
Gustavsson J, Papenberg G, Falahati F, Laukka EJ, Kalpouzos G
Front Hum Neurosci 2022 ;16():838228

Contributions of HFE polymorphisms to brain and blood iron load, and their links to cognitive and motor function in healthy adults.
Kalpouzos G, Mangialasche F, Falahati F, Laukka EJ, Papenberg G
Neuropsychopharmacol Rep 2021 Sep;41(3):393-404

Elevated neuroinflammation contributes to the deleterious impact of iron overload on brain function in aging.
Salami A, Papenberg G, Sitnikov R, Laukka EJ, Persson J, Kalpouzos G
Neuroimage 2021 Apr;230():117792

A positive influence of basal ganglia iron concentration on implicit sequence learning.
Persson J, Garzón B, Sitnikov R, Bäckman L, Kalpouzos G
Brain Struct Funct 2020 Mar;225(2):735-749

Functional coherence of striatal resting-state networks is modulated by striatal iron content.
Salami A, Avelar-Pereira B, Garzón B, Sitnikov R, Kalpouzos G
Neuroimage 2018 Dec;183():495-503

Automated segmentation of midbrain structures with high iron content.
Garzón B, Sitnikov R, Bäckman L, Kalpouzos G
Neuroimage 2018 Apr;170():199-209

Can transverse relaxation rates in deep gray matter be approximated from functional and T2-weighted FLAIR scans for relative brain iron quantification?
Garzón B, Sitnikov R, Bäckman L, Kalpouzos G
Magn Reson Imaging 2017 Jul;40():75-82

Higher Striatal Iron Concentration is Linked to Frontostriatal Underactivation and Poorer Memory in Normal Aging.
Kalpouzos G, Garzón B, Sitnikov R, Heiland C, Salami A, Persson J, Bäckman L
Cereb Cortex 2017 Jun;27(6):3427-3436

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Kalpouzos Team

Persson Team

Profile image

Jonas Persson

Principal Researcher

Salami Team

Profile image

Alireza Salami

Principal Researcher

Contact and visit us

Postal address

Aging Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Karolinska Institutet
SE-171 77 Stockholm

Visiting address

Tomtebodavägen 18 A, Widerström Building, floors 9 and 10
SE-171 65 Solna

Map to Widerström building, Tomtebodavägen 18a, Solna
