Jonas Persson

Jonas Persson

Affiliated to Research
Telephone: +46852485832
Visiting address: Tomtebodavägen 18 A, 17177 Solna
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 ARC Psykologi Kalpouzos, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Jonas Persson received his PhD from Umeå University in 2002. After a
    one-year post doc, also at Umeå University, he spent three years as an
    international research fellow at the Department of Psychology, University of
    Michigan. From 2008 he has been heading an independent research group on the
    neural basis for cognition and aging at the Department of Psychology,
    Stockholm University, which has been funded by the Swedish Science Council.
    During that period he also became an associate professor at the Department of
    Psychology, Stockholm University.
    Jonas Persson is currently a senior researcher at the Aging Research Center
    (ARC) and Deputy Head of Division. His research primarily deals with the
    interaction between brain structure-function and higher cognitive functions
    in aging, with a particular focus on memory (episodic/working memory) and
    executive control functions. These questions are addressed by means of
    structural (brain anatomy) and functional (brain function) MRI and measures
    of cognitive performance.


  • • Functional neuroimaging of higher cognitive functions, such as cognitive
    control, working memory, and episodic memory.
    • Differences in neural responses between young and older adults, and its
    implications for cognitive decline in old age.
    • Age-related changes in the structure of the brain, including white-matter
    changes (as assessed by diffusion-tensor imaging), and volumetric changes.
    • Structure – function correlates related to increased genetic risk for
    developing Alzheimer’s disease.
    Recent publications:
    1. Becker, N., Kalpouzos, G., Persson, J., Laukka, EJ., and Brehmer, Y. (in
    press) Differential effects of encoding instructions on brain activity
    patterns of item and associative memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
    2. Szymkowicz, SM., Persson, J., Lin, T., Fischer, H., and Ebner, N. (in
    press) Hippocampal brain volume is associated with faster facial emotion
    identification in older adults: preliminary results. Frontiers in Aging
    3. Peira, N., Ziaei, M., and Persson, J. (2016). Age differences in brain
    systems supporting transient and sustained processes involved in prospective
    memory and working memory. NeuroImage. 125: 745-755.
    4. Mattsson, P., Forsberg, A., Persson, J., Nyberg, L., Nilsson, LG.,
    Halldin, C., and Farde, L. (2015). β-amyloid binding in elderly subjects
    with declining or stable episodic memory function measured with PET and
    [11C]AZD2184. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.
    42(10): 1507-1511.
    5. Papenberg, G., Salami, R., Persson, J., Lindenberger, U., and Bäckman,
    L. (2015). Genetics and Functional Imaging: Effects of APOE, BDNF, COMT, and
    KIBRA in Aging. Neuropsychology Review. 25 (1): 47-62.
    6. Persson, J., Rieckmann, A., Kalpouzos, G., Fischer, H., and Bäckman, L.
    (2015). Influences of a DRD2 polymorphism on updating of long-term memory
    representations and caudate BOLD activity: Magnification in aging. Human
    Brain Mapping. 36 (4): 1325-1334.
    7. Pudas S, Persson, J, Nilsson LG, Nyberg L. (2014). Midlife memory ability
    accounts for brain activity differences in healthy aging. Neurobiology of
    Aging. (35) 11: 2495-503.
    8. Persson, J., Pudas, S., Nilsson, LG., & Nyberg, L. (2014). Longitudinal
    assessment of default-mode function in aging. Neurobiology of Aging. 35
    9. Kauppi K, Nilsson LG, Persson J, Nyberg L. (2014) Additive genetic
    effect of APOE and BDNF on hippocampus activity. Neuroimage. (89):306-313.
    10. Nyberg L, Andersson M, Kauppi K, Lundquist A, Persson J, Pudas S,
    Nilsson LG. (2014) Age-related and Genetic Modulation of Frontal Cortex
    Efficiency. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. (4):746-54
    11. Ziaei, M., Peira, N., Persson., J. (2014). Brain systems underlying
    attentional control and emotional distraction during working memory encoding.
    Neuroimage. (87): 276-286.
    12. Martina Hedenius, Jonas Persson, Per A. Alm, Michael T. Ullman, James
    H. Howard Jr., Darlene V. Howard, Margareta Jennische (2013). Impaired
    Implicit Sequence Learning in Children with Developmental Dyslexia. Research
    in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 3924–3935.
    13. Hedenius, M., Ullman, M. T., Alm, P., Jennische, M., and Persson, J.
    (2013). Enhanced declarative memory in children with dyslexia. 8 (5): e63998.
    PLoS ONE.
    14. Pudas, S., Persson, J., Josefsson, M., de Luna, X., Nilsson, LG.,
    Nyberg, L. (2013). Brain characteristics of individuals resisting age-related
    cognitive decline over two decades. Journal of Neuroscience. 33 (20):
    15. Persson, J., Larsson, A., & Reuter-Lorenz, P. A. (2013). Imaging fatigue
    of interference control reveals the neural basis of executive resource
    depletion. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25 (3): 338-51.
    16. Arshamian, A., Iannilli, E., Gerber, JC., Willander, J., Persson, J.,
    Seo, H-S., Hummel, T. & Larsson, M. (2013) The functional neuroanatomy of
    odor evoked autobiographical memories cued by odors and words.
    Neuropsychologia, 51 (1): 123-131.
    17. Marklund, P., & Persson, J. (2012). Context-dependent switching between
    proactive and reactive working memory control mechanisms in the right
    inferior frontal gyrus. Neuroimage. 63, 1552-1560.
    18. Persson, J., Pudas, S., Lind, J., Kauppi, K., Nilsson, LG., & Nyberg, L.
    (2012). Longitudinal structure – function correlates in elderly reveal MTL
    dysfunction with cognitive decline. Cerebral Cortex, 22 (10): 2297-2304.
    19. Kalpouzos, G., Persson, J., Nyberg, L. (2012). Local brain atrophy
    accounts for functional activity differences in normal aging. Neurobiology of
    Aging. 33 (3) 623.e1-623.e13.
    20. Hedenius, M., Persson, J., Tremblay, A., Adi-Japha, E., Veríssimo, J.,
    Dye, C.D., Alm, P., Jennische, M., Tomblin, B.J, Ullman, M.T. (2011). Grammar
    predicts procedural learning and consolidation deficits in children with
    Specific Language Impairment. Research in Developmental Disilibities. 32 (6):
    21. Persson, J., Kalpouzos G., Nilsson, L-G, Ryberg M., Nyberg, L. (2011).
    Preserved hippocampus activation in normal aging as revealed by fMRI.
    Hippocampus. 21 (7): 753-766.


All other publications


  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2025-2025
  • Principal Researcher, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2024

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Stockholms Universitet

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