Prevention - Policy & Practice – Tanja Tomson's group

The research group PPP aims to generate evidence for effective prevention and promotion in national and global health care.

Man holds e-cigarettes in his hand.

This includes studies on the effectiveness of innovative tobacco prevention interventions in Swedish primary care. Also the role of big data for health care policy is studied in a new consortium. We use mixed methods and robust evaluation designs.

Currently PI/Swedish partner for EU funded (6 mEuro) iHELP project. Focusing on early identification and mitigation of the risks associated with Pancreatic Cancer based on advanced AI-based learning and decision support techniques on primary data of Cancer patients gathered from established data banks.

Group leader

Profile image

Tanja Tomson

Associate Professor

Tanja Tomson's current research includes the cRCT in Stockholm primary health care "Motivation 2 Quit" (M2Q) as well as the EC funded CrowdHEALTH project including 17 other institutions (universities, and other authorities as well as industry).

Kansliet för eAT-prov

Link to eAT-provet (in Swedish).

Medical Statistics Unit (MedStat)

The Medical Statistics Unit (Medstat) is involved in teaching, assignments and research in the field of medical statistics.

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Titia Bal

Intern second-year master’s student in Health and Life Sciences




Karolinska Institutet
Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME)
Prevention-Policy & Practice (PPP)
Att: [receiver's name]


Prevention - Policy & Practice (PPP)
Widerströmska huset
Tomtebodavägen 18A (floor 4), Solna

Epidemiology Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy Public Health, Global Health and Social Medicine Respiratory Medicine and Allergy Tobacco Control
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