Our focus
The team focus is on implementation of research findings into clinical environments for the development of precision medicine. The Precision Medicine team is actively involved in infrastructure projects increasing access of the SciLifeLab technologies for clinical studies and trials and for small-and-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) developing AI tools for health. To strengthen communities nationally and internationally, the Precision Medicine Team has organized workshops on sample handling and meta-data and participate in key events such as the Nordic PM Forum, Nordic Life Science Days, BIOEurope and EP PerMed visit. Additionally, we’ve launched calls for clinical technology development projects and feasibility pilots in collaboration with SciLifeLab infrastructure.
The National infrastructure to support clinical trials in precision medicine
The project, funded by the Research Council of Sweden, aims to promote the use of SciLifeLab infrastructure for clinical studies and trials. This includes adapting and harmonizing technologies to support clinical trials through streamlined procedures for sample flow, data analysis, and reporting, with five pilot studies demonstrating feasibility.
The Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health
The TEF-Health project, involving 51 partners from nine European countries, aims to facilitate implementation of new AI and robotic solutions in healthcare. It focuses on real-world testing of AI in patient care and diagnostics, developing regulatory standards (to implement AI act within the current framework), and fostering industry-academic collaborations. Together with Centre for Imaging Research (CIR), we are standardizing KI and SciLifeLab services into a knowledge graph for easy access by SMEs across Europe, facilitating applications through pan-European service calls. Furthermore, by providing support and guidelines for market research analysis, the TEF-Health team is promoting industry access to KI facilities in order to fullfil requierements from the new ordinance (ordinance on fees for research infrastructure 2022:1378).
In collaboration with the SciLifeLab Data Centre and its Data Science Node for precision medicine, we are developing a Precision Medicine portal. This portal will offer data services and resources, including meta-data standards, regulatory and ethical guidelines, community-driven content, and RAG tools. Our future goal is to create a data catalogue linked to a trusted research environment with access to structured research and healthcare data.