Atherothrombosis research – Team Nailin Li

Our atherothrombosis research team performs translational research studying platelet-regulated inflammatory and angiogenic mechanisms of atherosclerosis, as well as antiplatelet therapeutics of atherothrombotic diseases.

Atherothrombosis research

Our research aims to elucidate platelet engagements, apart from thrombosis and haemostasis, in inflammatory and angiogenic/vessel remodeling mechanisms in atherosclerosis, and eventually to develop novel antiplatelet agents targeting platelet inflammatory/angiogenic activities for atherothrombotic disease treatments.

We are interested in how platelets regulate immune responses of CD4+ T cells and how platelet-regulated CD4+ T effector cell responses impact atherosclerotic development. Hence, by combining in vitro experiments with human cells, in vivo animal models, and high throughput omics analyses, we study how platelet-derived mediators, namely transforming growth factor b (TGFb) and platelet factor 4 (PF4), regulate CD4+ T cell activation and metabolism, phenotype development, effector cell function, and subsequently atherosclerotic lesion development.

We are also interested in the mechanisms governing differential storage and release of pro-angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors of platelets, and how platelet distinct release of angiogenic factors influence angiogenesis. The work has expanded our research into how platelet-derived angiogenic factors regulated tumor microenvironment and cancer progression.


Selected publications


  • The Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation
  • The Swedish Research Council
  • Karolinska Institutet
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease Cell and Molecular Biology
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