Microvascular oxidative stress in the triad of cardiovascular, metabolic and renal disease – Mattias Carlström group

Using a translational approach (in vitro and in vivo microperfusion systems, genetically modified mice, and clinical trials) our projects aim to further characterize mechanisms for reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide formation, interaction and influence on renal, cardiovascular and metabolic functions in health and disease.

Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are increasing health problems worldwide, resulting in an enormous economic burden to society. To better understand, prevent and cure these lifestyle diseases it is necessary to research the underlying mechanisms that allow the diseases to arise.

The kidneys set the long-term level of blood pressure by regulating peripheral vascular resistance and body fluid volume. It is suggested that impaired renal function importantly contributes to the development of hypertension, which is a main risk factor for morbidity and mortality complications from cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.

Moreover, renal dysfunction is commonly described as a complication of metabolic syndrome, but new knowledge shows that renal disease actually may antecede the syndrome. Approximately 25 per cent of the worlds adult population has the metabolic syndrome (cluster of obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension). These individuals are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Renal oxidative stress and nitric oxide in cardiovascular disease and diabetes

Emerging evidence suggests that renal oxidative stress and nitric oxide deficiency is associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetic complications. Currently the mechanisms are not clear, but imbalance between reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide (in favour of the former) may impair renal autoregulatory function, and thus impact on renal blood flow and glomerular filtration.

Mattias Carlström group research focus

Research in our laboratory

Using a translational approach (in vitro and in vivo microperfusion systems, genetically modified mice, and clinical trials) our projects aim to further characterize mechanisms for reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide formation, interaction and influence on renal, cardiovascular and metabolic functions in health and disease. It is hypothesized that oxidative stress and nitric oxide deficiency are linked to renal dysfunction and metabolic syndrome, and increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. In the kidney, increased reactive oxygen species and/or decreased nitric oxide production may increase preglomerular resistance and promote fluid retention, and thus contribute to disease.

Renal oxidative stress may impair autoregulation and consequently cause hypertension. Such processes may be counteracted by stimulation of NO or inhibition of ROS production. Conditions with high salt-intake, elevated angiotensin II (Ang II) levels, or increased adenosine A-{1} receptor signaling may stimulate ROS production, and consequently impair renal, cardiovascular and metabolic regulation.

Mattias Carlström research group

Group members

Mattias Carlström – Research group leader, Assistant Professor

Isabel Cordero – Postdoc

Josiane de Campos Cruz – Postdoc

Huirong Han – Postdoc

Rafael Krmar – Associated

Luciano Leite Paulo – Associated, PhD Student

Maria Peleli – Associated, PhD

Erik Persson – Professor emeritus

Gensheng Zhang – Visiting Researcher

Zhengbing Zhuge – PhD Student

Group members outside KI:

Ammar Farman Al-Mashhadi – PhD, Dept of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala

Andrei L. Kleschyov – Visiting Researcher

Ting Yang – Associated MD, PhD


Project 1: Role of NADPH oxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in renal, cardiovascular and metabolic regulation

NADPH oxidases are the primary source of superoxide (O2-) production, whereas SOD-isoforms play an important role in eliminating O2-. NOX2 is the major NADPH oxidase isoform in the macula densa cells of the kidney, and we have shown that NOX2-deficient mice display attenuated renal afferent arteriolar and blood pressure responses to Ang II infusion.

Moreover, we have described a link between SOD1-deficiency and salt-sensitive hypertension, impaired kidney function and cardio-renal injuries. This project aims at further characterizing the role and mechanisms of how different NADPH oxidases and SOD isoforms regulate renal, cardiovascular and metabolic functions in health and disease. Our findings indicate an important role of NADPH and SOD systems in regulating renal microcirculation and hence blood pressure. It is suggested that strategies targeting signaling of specific NADPH oxidases or SOD isoforms may restore the balance between reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, and thus become valuable therapeutics.

Project 2: Role of adenosine A1 and A2 receptors in renal, cardiovascular and metabolic regulation

Adenosine is an important modulator of many physiological processes, including renal, cardiac and metabolic functions. There are four known adenosine receptors (A1, A2A, A2B, A3), which have all been demonstrated in the kidney. In renal afferent arterioles, activation of A1 receptors mediates vasoconstriction whereas A2 receptors mediate vasodilatation.

It has been shown that TGF is mediated via activation of adenosine A1 receptors. Earlier studies have suggested a link between A1 receptor expression/activity and oxidative stress, which may enhance TGF and preglomerular reactivity and thus increase blood pressure. In recent studies, we showed that stimulation of A2 receptors in the juxtaglomerular apparatus blunts TGF, by a mechanism that involves stimulation of eNOS-derived nitric oxide. This project aims at further characterizing the role and mechanisms for how different adenosine receptors regulate renal, cardiovascular and metabolic functions in health and disease. It is suggested that treatment strategies that inhibit A1 receptors, or stimulate A2 receptors, improve the outcome of renal and cardiovascular disease by modulating the formation or interaction between reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in the kidney.

Project 3: Role of nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway in renal, cardiovascular and metabolic regulation

The inorganic anions nitrate and nitrite have long been considered as inert oxidative end products of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) metabolism. However, research conducted during the last years reveals they can undergo bioconversion to form NO by NOS-independent mechanisms. In collaboration with Professors Lundberg and Weitzberg at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, we showed that nitrate supplementation, in a dose that resembles the nitrate content of the DASH-trial diet, reduced blood pressure in healthy volunteers and in rats to a similar degree as observed in intervention-trials with fruit and vegetables. Moreover, dietary nitrate supplementation had therapeutic effects in an established model of renal and cardiovascular disease and reversed features of metabolic syndrome in aged eNOS-deficient mice.

At present, the target organ for nitrate-nitrite-NO conversion is not known. However, our findings indicate that stimulation of a nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway may influence kidney function. This project aims at further characterizing underlying mechanisms for the therapeutic effects associated with nitrate and nitrite supplementation. It is suggested that nitrate and nitrite may modulate reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide balance in the kidney, and hence prevent or halt progression of renal and cardiovascular disease, as well as type 2 diabetes.


Further mechanistic studies are necessary for developing cost-efficient principles to prevent or treat cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. These projects have a translational design, ranging from in vitro microperfusion experiments to intervention studies in humans, and aims at further characterizing the role and mechanisms for reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide signaling in health and disease.

Our strongest belief is that findings will advance our knowledge in a rapidly developing field. Results with nitrate and nitrite supplementation are promising and we believe that strategies decreasing reactive oxygen species or increase nitric oxide production may have implications for novel nutrition based preventive and cost-efficient therapeutic strategies in cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.


International collaborators of interest

  • Dr Christopher Wilcox, William Welch & Anton Wellstein (Georgetown University, Washington DC): Oxidative stress, renal hypertension and diabetes & Clinical trial in US
  • Dr Enyin Lai (Zhejiang University, China): Renal microvasculature & Clinical trials in China
  • Dr Ruisheng Liu (University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS): Macula densa signal
  • Dr. Andreas Patzak & Mauricio Sendeski (Charité University, Berlin): Renal microvasculature
  • Dr Tom Teerlink & Peter G. Scheffer (VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam): Oxidative stress
  • Dr Boye Jensen & Ole Skøtt (University of Southern Denmark, Odense): Renin-Angiotensin analysis
  • Dr Maristela L. Onozato (Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA): Renal morphology
  • Dr Kenneth A. Jacobson (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, USA): Novel and highly adenosine receptor analogues

National collaborators of interest

  • Dr Rafael Krmar, Jakob Stenman, Thomas Gustfsson, Peter Bárány, Annika Wernersson (Karolinska University Hospital): Ongoing Clinical trial
  • Dr Tryggve Nevéus, Peter Flacker, Arne Stenberg (Akademiska Hospital): Ongoing Clinical trial
  • Dr Jon Lundberg & Eddie Weitzberg (Karolinska Institutet): Nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway
  • Dr Robert Harris (Karolinska Institutet): Diabetes and inflammation (flow cytometry analysis)
  • Dr Agneta Richter Dahlfors (Karolinska Institutet): Bacteria in renal inflammatory responses
  • Dr Leif Jansson (Uppsala University): Islet function in diabetes & clinical trial
  • Dr Erik Persson (Uppsala University): Renal function in hypertension
  • Dr Bertil Fredholm (Karolinska Institutet): Adenosine receptors
  • Dr Erik Larsson (Uppsala University): Evaluation of histology, morphology & immunohistochemistry

Collaboration with the Community

World Action on Salt and Health (WASH): As a member of this organization we aim to achieve a reduction in dietary salt intake around the world from the current intake of 10-15g/day to the World Health Organization (WHO) target of 5g/day. This fall in salt intake and the resulting fall in blood pressure would lead to major reductions in both incidents of, and deaths from Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) i.e. stroke, heart failure and heart attacks, with a major reduction in the disability that results from CVD. We have discussions with the food industry and government and also try to reach out to the households. This spring WASH Sweden organized a joint meeting together with Livsmedelsverket in Uppsala.

National Kidney Foundation (NKF): As a member of this organization we aim to enhance the lives of everyone with, at risk of or affected by kidney disease. NKF, a major voluntary non-profit health organization, is dedicated to preventing kidney and urinary tract diseases, improving the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by kidney disease and increasing the availability of all organs for transplantation. NKF has been providing help and hope to kidney patients and their families since 1950. Today, with local offices across the country, NKF is meeting the growing public health challenge of chronic kidney disease with a range of vital programs and services for the public, patients and healthcare professionals.

Financial support

Support our research

10 most important original publications

Abrogation of adenosine A1 receptor signalling improves metabolic regulation in mice by modulating oxidative stress and inflammatory responses.
Yang T, Gao X, Sandberg M, Zollbrecht C, Zhang XM, Hezel M, et al
Diabetologia 2015 Jul;58(7):1610-20

Inorganic nitrite attenuates NADPH oxidase-derived superoxide generation in activated macrophages via a nitric oxide-dependent mechanism.
Yang T, Peleli M, Zollbrecht C, Giulietti A, Terrando N, Lundberg JO, et al
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2015 Jun;83():159-66

NADPH oxidase in the renal microvasculature is a primary target for blood pressure-lowering effects by inorganic nitrate and nitrite.
Gao X, Yang T, Liu M, Peleli M, Zollbrecht C, Weitzberg E, et al
Hypertension 2015 Jan;65(1):161-70

Cross-talk Between Nitrate-Nitrite-NO and NO Synthase Pathways in Control of Vascular NO Homeostasis.
Carlström M, Liu M, Yang T, Zollbrecht C, Huang L, Peleli M, et al
Antioxid. Redox Signal. 2015 Aug;23(4):295-306

Adenosine A2A receptor activation attenuates tubuloglomerular feedback responses by stimulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase.
Carlström M, Wilcox CS, Welch WJ
Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 2011 Feb;300(2):F457-64

Dietary nitrate attenuates oxidative stress, prevents cardiac and renal injuries, and reduces blood pressure in salt-induced hypertension.
Carlström M, Persson AE, Larsson E, Hezel M, Scheffer PG, Teerlink T, et al
Cardiovasc. Res. 2011 Feb;89(3):574-85

Superoxide dismutase 1 limits renal microvascular remodeling and attenuates arteriole and blood pressure responses to angiotensin II via modulation of nitric oxide bioavailability.
Carlström M, Lai EY, Ma Z, Steege A, Patzak A, Eriksson UJ, et al
Hypertension 2010 Nov;56(5):907-13

Dietary inorganic nitrate reverses features of metabolic syndrome in endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient mice.
Carlström M, Larsen FJ, Nyström T, Hezel M, Borniquel S, Weitzberg E, et al
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2010 Oct;107(41):17716-20

Nitric oxide deficiency and increased adenosine response of afferent arterioles in hydronephrotic mice with hypertension.
Carlström M, Lai EY, Steege A, Sendeski M, Ma Z, Zabihi S, et al
Hypertension 2008 May;51(5):1386-92

Uninephrectomy in young age or chronic salt loading causes salt-sensitive hypertension in adult rats.
Carlström M, Sällström J, Skøtt O, Larsson E, Persson AE
Hypertension 2007 Jun;49(6):1342-50

Other selected publications

Renal Autoregulation in Health and Disease.
Carlstrom M, Wilcox CS, Arendshorst WJ.
Physiol Rev 95:405-511; 2015.

Roles of dietary inorganic nitrate in cardiovascular health and disease.
Lundberg JO, Carlstrom M, Larsen FJ, Weitzberg E.
Cardiovasc Res 89:525-532; 2011.

Important role of NAD(P)H oxidase 2 in the regulation of the tubuloglomerular feedback.
Carlstrom M, Persson AE.
Hypertension 53:456-457; 2009.

Cover images

Renal Autoregulation in Health and Disease.
Carlstrom M, Wilcox CS, Arendshorst WJ.
Physiol Rev 95:405-511; 2015.

Dietary inorganic nitrate reverses features of metabolic syndrome in endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient mice.
Carlstrom M, Larsen FJ, Nystrom T, Hezel M, Borniquel S, Weitzberg E, Lundberg JO.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107:17716-17720; 2010.

Recent contributions to scientific meetings

Adenosine A3 Receptors Regulate Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Responses in a Model of Hypertension and Renal Disease.
Yang T, Hezel M, Peleli M, Zhang X, Terrando N, Fredholm B, Carlström M.
Am. Heart Association, HBPR2014, P086, 2014

Renal Denervation Attenuates Salt-Sensitive Hypertension and Oxidative Stress in Rats with Unilateral Hydronephrosis.
Peleli M, Al-Mashadi A, Yang T, Carlstrom M.
Am. Heart Association, HBPR2014, P077, 2014

Role of gut microbiota in modulating the anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects of dietary nitrate.
Yang T, Huang L, Gao X, Lundberg J, Weitzberg E, Persson AEG, Carlström M.
Nitric Oxide, 31:S16, 2013

Open positions

Applications for doctoral programme and postdoctoral fellow training are welcome, for the study of nitric oxide and free radical signaling in cardiovascular, renal and metabolic disorders. Background/experience in physiology and pharmacology and/or molecular biology is favourable, but not necessary for applying. Please send a letter of interest and CV to Mattias Carlström, group leader. We may assist with applications for external support in form of postdoctoral or doctoral student fellowships.



All publications from group members

Staff and contact

All members of the group

Mattias Carlström group publications

Mattias Carlström research Photo: Allen

Selection of 10 Publications

NO-ferroheme is a signaling entity in the vasculature.
Kleschyov AL, Zhuge Z, Schiffer TA, Guimarães DD, Zhang G, Montenegro MF, Tesse A, Weitzberg E, Carlström M, Lundberg JO
Nat Chem Biol 2023 Oct;19(10):1267-1275

Dietary nitrate attenuates high-fat diet-induced obesity via mechanisms involving higher adipocyte respiration and alterations in inflammatory status.
Peleli M, Ferreira DMS, Tarnawski L, McCann Haworth S, Xuechen L, Zhuge Z, et al
Redox Biol 2020 01;28():101387

Dietary Nitrate Reduces Blood Pressure in Rats With Angiotensin II-Induced Hypertension via Mechanisms That Involve Reduction of Sympathetic Hyperactivity.
Guimarães DD, Cruz JC, Carvalho-Galvão A, Zhuge Z, Marques SM, Naves LM, et al
Hypertension 2019 04;73(4):839-848

PNAS cover January 2, 2019.
PNAS cover January 2, 2019. Vol. 116, no 1, pp 1-338.

AMP-activated protein kinase activation and NADPH oxidase inhibition by inorganic nitrate and nitrite prevent liver steatosis.
Cordero-Herrera I, Kozyra M, Zhuge Z, McCann Haworth S, Moretti C, Peleli M, et al
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2019 01;116(1):217-226

Therapeutic value of stimulating the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway to attenuate oxidative stress and restore nitric oxide bioavailability in cardiorenal disease.
Carlstrom M, Montenegro MF
J. Intern. Med. 2019 01;285(1):2-18

Metabolic Effects of Dietary Nitrate in Health and Disease.
Lundberg JO, Carlström M, Weitzberg E
Cell Metab. 2018 Jul;28(1):9-22

Dietary nitrate attenuates renal ischemia-reperfusion injuries by modulation of immune responses and reduction of oxidative stress.
Yang T, Zhang XM, Tarnawski L, Peleli M, Zhuge Z, Terrando N, et al
Redox Biol 2017 10;13():320-330

Cover Physiological Reviews published by The American Physiological Society. Volume 95, Number 2, April 2015.
Cover Physiological Reviews published by The American Physiological Society. Volume 95, Number 2, April 2015.

Dietary nitrate improves age-related hypertension and metabolic abnormalities in rats via modulation of angiotensin II receptor signaling and inhibition of superoxide generation.
Hezel M, Peleli M, Liu M, Zollbrecht C, Jensen BL, Checa A, et al
Free Radic. Biol. Med. 2016 10;99():87-98

NADPH oxidase in the renal microvasculature is a primary target for blood pressure-lowering effects by inorganic nitrate and nitrite.
Gao X, Yang T, Liu M, Peleli M, Zollbrecht C, Weitzberg E, et al
Hypertension 2015 Jan;65(1):161-70

Renal autoregulation in health and disease.
Carlström M, Wilcox CS, Arendshorst WJ
Physiol. Rev. 2015 Apr;95(2):405-511

PNAS cover, october 12, 2010.
PNAS cover, october 12, 2010. vol. 107, no. 41, pp. 17453-17852

Dietary inorganic nitrate reverses features of metabolic syndrome in endothelial nitric oxide synthase-deficient mice.
Carlström M, Larsen FJ, Nyström T, Hezel M, Borniquel S, Weitzberg E, et al
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2010 Oct;107(41):17716-20

Peer-reviewed research review articles

Inorganic nitrate: A potential prebiotic for oral microbiota dysbiosis associated with type 2 diabetes.
Bahadoran Z, Mirmiran P, Carlström M, Ghasemi A
Nitric Oxide 2021 Nov;116():38-46

Nitric oxide signalling in kidney regulation and cardiometabolic health.
Carlström M
Nat Rev Nephrol 2021 Sep;17(9):575-590

Effects of inorganic nitrate supplementation on cardiovascular function and exercise tolerance in heart failure.
Ferguson SK, Woessner MN, Holmes MJ, Belbis MD, Carlström M, Weitzberg E, Allen JD, Hirai DM
J Appl Physiol (1985) 2021 Apr;130(4):914-922

Microbiota, diet and the generation of reactive nitrogen compounds.
Carlström M, Moretti CH, Weitzberg E, Lundberg JO
Free Radic Biol Med 2020 Dec;161():321-325

Modulation of mitochondria and NADPH oxidase function by the nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway in metabolic disease with focus on type 2 diabetes.
Schiffer TA, Lundberg JO, Weitzberg E, Carlström M
Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 2020 Aug;1866(8):165811

Nitric oxide: To be or not to be an endocrine hormone?
Bahadoran Z, Carlström M, Mirmiran P, Ghasemi A
Acta Physiol (Oxf) 2020 May;229(1):e13443

Therapeutic value of stimulating the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway to attenuate oxidative stress and restore nitric oxide bioavailability in cardiorenal disease.
Carlstrom M, Montenegro MF
J. Intern. Med. 2019 01;285(1):2-18

Hydronephrosis and risk of later development of hypertension.
Carlström M
Acta Paediatr. 2019 01;108(1):50-57

Circulating markers of nitric oxide homeostasis and cardiometabolic diseases: insights from population-based studies.
Bahadoran Z, Mirmiran P, Jeddi S, Carlström M, Azizi F, Ghasemi A
Free Radic. Res. 2019 Apr;53(4):359-376

Metabolic Effects of Dietary Nitrate in Health and Disease.
Lundberg JO, Carlström M, Weitzberg E
Cell Metab. 2018 Jul;28(1):9-22

Mechanisms underlying blood pressure reduction by dietary inorganic nitrate.
Carlström M, Lundberg JO, Weitzberg E
Acta Physiol (Oxf) 2018 09;224(1):e13080

Pharmacological targeting of adenosine receptor signaling.
Peleli M, Fredholm BB, Sobrevia L, Carlström M
Mol. Aspects Med. 2017 06;55():4-8

Adenosine signaling in diabetes mellitus and associated cardiovascular and renal complications.
Peleli M, Carlstrom M
Mol. Aspects Med. 2017 06;55():62-74

Renal autoregulation in health and disease.
Carlström M, Wilcox CS, Arendshorst WJ
Physiol. Rev. 2015 Apr;95(2):405-511

Interactions between adenosine, angiotensin II and nitric oxide on the afferent arteriole influence sensitivity of the tubuloglomerular feedback.
Persson AE, Lai EY, Gao X, Carlström M, Patzak A
Front Physiol 2013 ;4():187

Roles of dietary inorganic nitrate in cardiovascular health and disease.
Lundberg JO, Carlström M, Larsen FJ, Weitzberg E
Cardiovasc. Res. 2011 Feb;89(3):525-32

Peer-reviewed Editorials, Letters and Commentaries

miR-27a in Extracellular Vesicles: Is It a Novel Modulator of Hypertension?
Carlström M, Braga VA
Am. J. Hypertens. 2020 01;33(1):21-22

The Other Glucose Transporter, SGLT1 - Also a Potential Trouble Maker in Diabetes?
Carlström M
J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2019 04;30(4):519-521

Mechanisms underlying the effects of renal denervation in renovascular hypertension.
Carlström M, Braga VA
Hypertens. Res. 2019 05;42(5):754-757

Therapeutic value of renal denervation in cardiovascular disease?
Carlstrom M
Acta Physiol (Oxf) 2017 05;220(1):11-13

Renal purinergic signalling in health and disease.
Persson AE, Carlström M
Acta Physiol (Oxf) 2015 Apr;213(4):805-7


About Mattias Carlström group

Group members


Biomedical scientists


PhD Students

Senior Researchers or Associated


National collaborators

International collaborators

  • Christopher Wilcox, Georgetown University (Washington, DC)
  • William J. Welch, Georgetown University (Washington, DC)
  • Anton Wellstein, Georgetown University (Washington, DC)
  • Kenneth A. Jacobson, NIH (Bethesda, MD)
  • Ruisheng Liu, University of South Florida (Tampa, FL)
  • Maristela Lika Onozato, Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston)
  • Valdir A. Braga, Federal University of Paraíba (João Pessoa, Brazil)
  • Valéria Sandrim, Institute of Bioscience (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
  • Roberto  Ferraris, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • Andreas Patzak, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Boye Jensen, University of Southern Denmark (Odense)
  • Enyin Lai, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou)
  • Asghar Ghasemi, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (Iran)

Financial Support

  • Novo Nordisk Ascending Investigator Grant, 2019-2023: ~ 13.000.000 SEK
  • European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD), 2019-2020: 1.000.000 SEK 
  • Karolinska Institutet Senior Researcher Grant (2 years), 2020-2021: 2.000.000 SEK
  • Swedish Heart & Lung Foundation (Research Grant), 2019-2021: 2.400.000 SEK
  • Swedish Heart & Lung Foundation (Prince Daniel’s Award), 2018-2020: 6.000.000 SEK
  • Swedish Research Council; VR (Research Grant; #2016-01381), 2017-2020: 6.000.000 SEK
  • Karolinska Institutet Fo-Ass Grant, 2016-2019: 4.000.000 SEK
  • NovoNordisk Foundation (Postdoc Funding): 2017-2019: 3.000.000 SEK
  • KI - CSC Scholarship (Postdoc Funding): 2019-2020: 408.000 SEK
  • KID Grant, Funding of PhD Studies, 2016-2020: 2.000.000 SEK
  • KID Grant, Funding of PhD Studies, 2018-2021: 2.000.000 SEK
  • CAPES-STINT: Joint Brazilian-Swedish Research Collaboration, 2019-2021: 700.000 SEK
  • CAPES, Brazil, Funding of PhD Studies, 2019-2022: 1.500.000 SEK


2019: Ascending Investigator Grant - Endocrinology & Metabolism, Novo Nordisk, DK

2017: Heart and Lung Foundation – Prince Daniel’s Award, Sweden

2015: Fo-Ass Research Grant (4 years), Karolinska Institutet

2012: Lewis T. Preston Research Achievement Award, Georgetown University, USA

2012: Top Young Investigator Award, ASN, Kidney Week, Philadelphia, USA

2011: Lewis T. Preston Research Achievement Award, Georgetown University, USA

2011: Fellows Forum Presentation Winner, National Kidney Foundation, NIH, USA

2010: Young Investigator Award – Society Free Radical Biology Meeting, Orlando, USA

2010: Fellows Forum Presentation Winner, National Kidney Foundation, NIH, USA

2009: Young Investigator Award – 3rd Int. Meeting on the Role of Nitrite in Physiology,

Pathophysiology, and Therapeutics, Sweden

Open positions

Applications for doctoral programme and postdoctoral fellow training are welcome, for the study of nitric oxide and free radical signaling in cardiovascular, renal and metabolic disorders. Background/experience in physiology and pharmacology and/or molecular biology is favourable, but not necessary for applying. Please send a letter of interest and CV to Mattias Carlström, group leader. We may assist with applications for external support in form of postdoctoral or doctoral student fellowships.


Mattias Carlström group research

Research picture
NADPH oxidase (NOX) is the major source of superoxide (O2-) in the vasculature. Oxidative stress (due to increased O2-), and interaction with NO, lead to NO deficiency, which we suggest play a key role in the development and progression of cardiovascular, renal and metabolic disease. Increased sympathetic nerve activity and angiotensin II (ANG II) signaling as well as abnormal mitochondria function may also contribute to oxidative stress and proinflammatory processes. Conversely, new strategies that boost NO (i.e. nitrate and nitrite) may inhibit NOX, ANG II signaling and sympathetic activity.

Purpose and aims

Cardiovascular, metabolic and renal diseases are major global health problems that are interrelated suggesting common pathological mechanism(s). This translational project aims to explore and characterize the role of NADPH oxidase (NOX)-derived oxidative stress and nitric oxide (NO) deficiency in the triad of reno-cardio-metabolic disorders, and specifically investigate the therapeutic value of boosting the nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway (Fig 1).

Experimental Approaches

We have accesses to a broad and advanced methodological platform, and combine experimental and clinical studies, which will result in novel mechanistic insights and the ability to rapidly translate this understanding into practice.

Picture of summary of Mattias Carlström forskning