Our research
A strength of the research is the possibility to combine quantitative methods, based on advanced statistical analyses, with qualitative methods. Several data sources are used such as questionnaires, clinical data and data from national and regional registers.
BAMSE- Children, Allergy, Environment, in Stockholm, an epidemiological study
A part of the research from the group is based on data from the birth cohort BAMSE The cohort was initially designed to study risk factors for asthma and allergic diseases in childhood, and to study factors of importance for prognosis at already established disease. The ongoing cohort have followed the participants since birth with repeated follow-ups up to young adulthood. PIs Erik Melén, Anna Bergström, Antonios Georgelis and Inger Kull. Web page BAMSE Project.
Transition and transfer for adolescents and young adults with asthma and allergic disease
Previous research from our group shows that a large majority of adolescents and young adults (AYA) have uncontrolled asthma, limited contact with healthcare and few dispensations of asthma medication. Therefore, we propose a new model aiming to strengthen AYA with asthma during the transition to adult healthcare. The model is based on national and international guidelines and design to be user friendly and to be used in both primary care and in pediatric outpatient clinics. The model will be implemented, and effects evaluated.
Based on data from the BAMSE cohort we have published several papers based on experiences from the pandemic. For example, we found that young adults with asthma reports higher stress and anxiety than peers without asthma during the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, we did not find evidence for a Covid-19–associated impairment in lung function in young adults with or without asthma. In an ongoing study we are investigating factors associated with willingness to be vaccinated against Covid-19 infection.
Living with allergic disease in young adulthood
In our research group we have published and have ongoing papers with focus on how it is to live with an allergic disease in young adulthood. For example, in a recent published paper we investigated if treatment with peanut oral immunotherapy in combination with omalizumab improves self-reported health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among adolescents with severe peanut allergy. Where results showed that HRQoL improved, and the difference from start were clinically relevant. To further shred light and to increase the knowledge of what it is like to live with food allergy, we are planning to investigate what it is like to live with a severe food allergy to possibly improve care and treatment for AYA with food allergy. Moreover, in an ongoing qualitative study with participants from BAMSE, we are aiming to gain in-depth knowledge about experiences and thoughts about drug treatment in young adults with asthma.
Perinatal dietary interventions and allergic outcome in the child – long term follow-ups and transgenerational effects
The overall purpose of the project is to evaluate the importance of food allergen exposure during the last trimester and the development of allergic diseases during childhood to early adulthood. Furthermore, to evaluate the development of allergic diseases over three generations. The follow-up is based on data from questionnaires, clinical examinations, and analysis of IgE - sensitization in blood tests.
The group have established extensive national and international collaborations in the asthma and allergy field.
Research support
Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation
Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association
The Swedish Research Council
The Konsul Bergh's Foundation
The Samariten Foundation for Paediatric Research
Ellen, Walter and Lennart Hesselman Foundation for Scientific Research