Vascular Surgery – Ulf Hedin's research group

Vascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in the western world. In order to prevent disease development and develop preventive strategies, a complete understanding of basic cellular and molecular mechanisms is necessary. Our research is focused on basic mechanisms both in the development of vascular disease as well as in the response of the vessel wall to vascular interventions for limb ischemia, carotid disease and stroke and aneurysms.

Event list Vascular Surgery

News Vascular Surgery

Research Area

Our research is focused on basic mechanisms both in the development of vascular disease as well as in the response of the vessel wall to vascular interventions for limb ischemia, carotid disease and stroke and aneurysms. The advanced molecular research conducted in the group and the close proximity to clinical vascular surgery, create a unique platform for the resolution of issues of immediate concern for clinical care as well as breeding of future clinical academic leadership.

The group is headed by Professor Ulf Hedin and belongs to the Department of molecular medicine and surgery, and is also the main research team at the clinical department of vascular surgery at the Karolinska University Hospital. We have established collaborations with the cardiovascular research groups at CMM and the departments of Clinical Physiology, Neurology, Cardiology, Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Chemistry, and Clinical Pharmacology at the hospital. The group also collaborate with CMB, MBB and SciLifeLab at Karolinska Institutet, as well as with researchers at the Royal School of Technology and Uppsala University, and research groups in Sweden and in Norway, Germany, Netherlands, England, USA and Canada.


Vascular Surgery, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
Karolinska Institutet
BioClinicum J8:20
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
171 76 Stockholm

Research group leader

Profile image

Ulf Hedin

Professor/Senior Physician

Research teams

Vascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in the western world. In order to prevent disease development and develop preventive strategies, a complete understanding of basic cellular and molecular mechanisms is necessary. Our group utilizes a translational platform with advanced cell- and molecular biology, animal models in combination with patient centred research to resolve target processes in peripheral vascular disease such as mechanisms related to thromboembolic carotid disease and stroke, pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms, vascular repair processes and inflammation in association with interventional procedures and pulmonary hypertension. The close proximity between clinical vascular surgery and advanced molecular research creates a unique platform for the resolution of issues of immediate concern for clinical care as well as breeding of future clinical academic leadership.

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group


Histo-core core facility
Histo-core core facility

Dehydration Service

We can dehydrate any type of tissue in regular or mega cassettes. The dehydration program can be adjusted to match different tissues type and size. 

Equipment Milestone Logos (2019)

Embedding Stations

After the dehydration we have two embedding stations for self-service.

Equipment Kunz WD-4 (2018)

New equipment

We can scan any slide in the new Slide-scanner

Software is free

Olympus VS200 (2021)

Price dehydration

Dehydration: 15 SEK per paraffin block

Embedding: Free self-service. 400 SEK/hour if the Histo-core staff takes care of it.

If you do not have your own cassettes and pad’s you can buy them from us.

Price Slide-scanning (2021): Brightfield 40kr/slide, Fluorescence 60kr/slide

Equipment Rental

  • Microtome 50 SEK/hour - Equipment Microm HM360 

  • Pressure- boiler 20 SEK/run, Equipment BIOCARE Decloaking Chamber Nx Gen

Users of our Dehydration service have priority and can use the microtome for free.


Training is required for all first-time users at the cost of 400 SEK/hour and is limited to instructions on how to operate the equipment and software. Training does not include supervision in assay setup, assay preparation or staining. The fee includes the costs related to the first run. To schedule training contact us directly!

Booking and further information

Contact Mariette Lengquist for booking, further information and introductions.

Profile image

Mariette Lengquist

Lab Manager and BMA in Histopathology
