Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Addiction – Mats Ramstedt's research group

Alcohol and Drug Epidemiology

Our research group studies the use and consequences of alcohol and other drugs from a broad epidemiological perspective. A fundamental theme is to describe and analyse trends in the entire population as well as in different demographic and socio-economic groups. Another focus aims to highlight differences between different groups with respect to the extent and pattern of use as well as variations in the prevalence of various related problems. 

The research area also studies the relationship between use and problems at both individual and population level, with a focus on variations over time and between different population groups and drinking cultures. In addition to epidemiological studies, our research group also conducts evaluations of preventive interventions at both national and local level. The research is mainly based on large, frequently recurring epidemiological population surveys and various forms of register data.

Below are some examples of current research questions that are studied by our research group:

  1. Why is alcohol consumption among young people decreasing?
  2. How common is addiction to alcohol and other drugs in the general population?
  3. Are women more affected by other people's drinking and drug use than men?
  4. Are there socioeconomic differences in the risk of developing alcohol-related harm?
  5. Is drug-related mortality increasing in Sweden and what is the reason for this?

Current list of research projects

  1. Cannabis use among young people in Sweden - patterns, causes and consequences
  2. Futura01 - A national longitudinal cohort study on the importance for adolescents of growing up during a period of historically low alcohol consumption
  3. Children of parents who drink too much in the general population - risks and protective factors
  4. Adolescents who do not drink alcohol: associated factors, health outcomes, and different developmental pathways
  5. Socioeconomic Differences in Alcohol Harm: Trends, Patterns and Mechanisms
  6. Alcohol and the elderly
  7. Trends and predictors of gambling among adolescents
  8. Why do drug deaths increase after 2006?
  9. Alcohol Consumption and Sickness Absence: Studies of Risk Functions, Consumption Changes and Socioeconomic Differences
Addiction Medicine Alcohol-Related Disorders Alcoholism Epidemiology Public Health, Global Health and Social Medicine Sociology (Excluding Social Work, Social Anthropology, Demography and Criminology) Show all
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