US research funding in numbers

Karolinska Institutet (KI) is the largest recipient of external research funding from the United States among Swedish universities.

In 2024, US financiers contributed more than 122 million SEK to KI's research, with grants from federal funders such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Defence (DoD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and private foundations. 

US federally funded research projects


  • Fang Fang (R01/Prime) Ambient Air Pollution as a Potential Risk Factor for ALS - Using a Multiomics Approach in a High-Quality Epidemiologic Study
  • Fang Fang (R01/Prime) Identify and Evaluate Potential Risk Factors for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - A Unique Contribution from Sweden


  • Camilla Svensson (CDMRP/Sub) Fc gamma receptor signaling: a new pathway for sustained neuropathic pain
  • Karin Loré (N6/Sub) Specialized immunological assays on preclinical and clinical samples to evaluate the immunogenicity of vaccines against SARS-CoV2 and other emerging infectious diseases.      


  • Samir EL Andaloussi (CDMRP/Prime) Muscle-Targeted Cell-Penetrating Peptides for Delivery of Cas9-RNPs and Modified mRNA to Dystrophic Muscle


  • Helena Ledmyr (Office of Naval Research) CSP – The 10th Neuroinformatics Congress of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF)


  • Barbara Canlon (CDMRP/Prime) Chronopharmacological Interventions for the Successful Treatment of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss


  • Theresa Vincent (CDMRP/Sub)  Targeting Breast Cancer Metastasis through Selective Inhibition of RNA Polymerase I


  • Barbara Canlon (R21/Prime) Characterization of the cochlear aqueduct
  • Ida Karlsson (R01/sub) Gene-environment Interplay Among Modifiable Factors for AD/ADRD: Risk and Resilience Across the Life
  • Ida Karlsson and Nancy Pedersen (R01/sub) Country, cohort, and gender disparities in the relationship between education and ADRD
  • Jonas Ludvigsson (R017sub) Child Health and Human Development Extramural Research
  • Laura Baranello (R01/Sub) Epigenetic mechanisms controlling single-stranded DNA lesion sensitivity and mutagenesis
  • Yi Lu (R01/Prime) 3/3 Eating Disorders Genetics Initiative 2 (EDGI2)
  • Anna Norrby-Teglund (R01/Sub) Assays for acceleration: from fit-for-purpose models to scalable assays of broad systemic and mucosal protection against all strains of Group A Streptococcus
  • Carina King (R33/Sub) Development and implementation of pediatric mobile phone reflectance pulse oximeters and a hypoxemia surveillance system in South Africa
  • Charlotte Thålin (75N/sub) Towards unified quantitative assays of mucosal immunity
  • Fang Fang (R01/Sub) Linking Epidemiology and Genetics of Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Disorders Study
  • Juan Jesus Carrero (R01/sub) Maximizing The Benefit of Therapy in CKD
  • Patrik Ernfors (U19/sub) The Penn Human Precision Pain Center (HPPC): Discovery and Functional Evaluation of Human Primary Somatosensory Neuron Types at Normal and Chronic Pain Conditions
  • Sophie Erhard (R50/sub) Kynurenic Acid and Cognitive Abnormalities in Schizophrenia
  • Zheng Chang (R01/ sub)Assessing real-world evidence of the effects of opioid analgesic tapering on substance-related problems
  • Malin Ernberg (UC2/Sub) Comprehensive functional phenotyping of trigeminal neurons innervating temporomandibular joint (TMJ) tissues in male-female and aged mice primates and humans with and without TMJ disorders (TMJD)
  • Josefin Särnholm (P30/Sub) Columbia Roybal Center for fearless behavior change
  • Petter Ljungman (U2R/Sub) 2/2-GEOHealth Health Effects of Selected Environmental Exposomes Across the Life CourSe (HEALS)-US
  • Rickard Sandberg (U01/Sub) Comprehensive single-cell atlas of the developing mouse brain
  • Sten Linnarsson and Rickard Sandberg (UM1/Sub) Functionally guided adult whole brain cell atlas in human and NHP 
  • Alek Erickson (F32/Prime) Signaling mechanisms underlying neural crest cell fate decision
  • Benjamin Murrell (R01/Sub) HIV-1 dynamics and evolution during trispecific broadly neutralizing antibody therapy
  • Carina King (R21/Sub) Development and implementation of pediatric mobile phone reflectance pulse oximeters and a hypoxemia surveillance system in South Africa
  • Elisabet Svenungsson (R01/Sub) Role of mitochondria in SLE and its cardiovascular complications
  • Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam (P01) HIV vaccine research and design
  • Ingrid Lundberg (R21/Sub) Extracellular mitochondria in Inclusion Body Myositis
  • Ivanka Savic Berglund (R21/Sub) Personalized 3D avatar tool development for measurement of body perception across gender identities
  • Ingrid Lundberg (R21/Sub) Extracellular mitochondria in Inclusion Body Myositis
  • Jan Albert (R01/Sub) Next-generation algorithms using multiple biomarkers for precise estimation of HIV infection duration and population level incidence
  • Mikael Karlsson (R01/Sub) Engaging immunosuppressive myeloid cells in the TME for the treatment of pancreatic cancer
  • Petter Brodin (U01/Sub) Enhancing immunity to malaria in young children with effective chemoprevention
  • Rikard Holmdahl (R15/Sub) Autoantibody modulation of cartilage turnover in rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sara Hägg (R01/Prime) Repurposing drugs for Alzheimer´s disease using a reverse translational approach
  • Sven Cnattingius (R21/Sub) Transgenerational Effects of Maternal Obesity on Pregnancy Outcomes and Infant Health
  • Sven Sandin (R01/Sub) Developmental Methylomics of Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Tatiana Deliagina (R01/Prime) Restoration of Postural Control after Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Ulrika Marklund (R01/Sub) Neurobiology of Intrinsic Primary Afferent Neurons
  • Anna Marseglia (R24/Sub) Developing a biological marker of cognitive reserve with deep learning from multimodal structural MRI
  • Elizabeth Arkema (R01/Sub) Can hydroxychloroquine prevent preeclampsia and preterm delivery in lupus pregnancy?
  • Fredrik Wiklund (U01/sub) Post-genome-wide association studies in testicular germ cell tumors
  • Ivan Nalvarte (R01/Prime) Understanding the role of menopause and estrogen receptor activation for Alzheimer's disease risk
  • Jonas Ludvigsson (R01/Sub) Medications, the gut microbiota, and risk of microscopic colitis
  • Lars Terenius (R01/Prime) Drug targeting the dynamics of opioid systems in alcohol dependence
  • Nina Bohm-Starke (R21/Sub) Risk of vulvodynia due to immune-related health events throughout the life course
  • Sarah Bergen (R01/Prime) A comparison of environmental and genetic risks for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: A Swedish national study
  • Yi Lu (R01/Sub) A Trans-Nordic Study of Extreme Major Depression
  • Benjamin Murrell (UM1/Sub) HVTN Laboratory Center
  • Cecilia Magnusson (R01/Sub) Maternal epilepsy, antiepileptic drug use during pregnancy, and risk of autism
  • Gustaf Edgren (75N/Sub) Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study IV Pediatric
  • Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam (P51/Sub) Support of Yerkes National Primate Research Center
  • Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam (UM1/Sub) Consortium for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Development
  • Karl Eriksson (U01/Sub) STABILITY 2: ACL Reconstruction +/- Lateral Tenodesis with Patellar vs. Quad Tendon
  • Leonid Padyukov (R01/Sub) Rheumatoid Arthritis and Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Richard Bränström (R01/Sub) Biopsychosocial mechanisms underlying internalizing psychopathology in a prospective, population-based cohort of sexual minority young adults
  • Sven Cnattingius (R21/Sub) Prenatal and Neonatal Risk Factors for Adverse Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Childhood and Early Adulthood
  • Sven Sandin (R01/Sub) Autism Risk and Maternal Cardiometabolic Health (ARCH) study
  • Sara Öberg (R01/Sub) Maternal use of prescribed opioid analgesics and risk of adverse offspring outcomes
  • Ujjwal Neogi (R01/Sub) Reverse Transcriptase Multi-Class Drug Resistance and Rilpivirine Susceptibility in Diverse HIV-1 Su

  • Alicja Wolk (R01/Sub) Methods for Data Integration and Risk Assessment for Environmental Mixtures
  • Emilie Elisabeth Agardh (P30/Sub) Trends in disease burden in Sweden by socioeconomic status: A comparison using the Global Burden of Disease Study  
  • Kristina Broliden (U19/Sub) Griffithsin-based Rectal Microbicides for PREvention of Viral ENTry
  • Nancy Pedersen (R01/Sub) Clarifying risk and protective factors for dementia with the Interplay of Genes and Environment in Multiple Studies (IGEMS) consortium
  • Miriam Mosing and Nancy Pedersen (R01/Sub) SES health gradients in late life: testing models of gene-environment interplay in an international twin consortium
  • Sarah Bergen (R21/Prime) Schizophrenia Comorbidities: Common Genes and Clusters
  • Sven Sandin (R01/Sub) Population-Based Autism Genetics & Environment Study
  • Barbara Canlon (R56/Prime) Circadian regulation of glucocorticoid-dependent inflammation in noise-induced synaptopathy
  • Björn Andersson (R15/Sub) Landscape Genetics Guide NTD Interventions: Chagas Disease in Ecuador and Peru
  • David Mataix-Cols (R21/Sub) Investigating the molecular mechanisms and consequences of assortative mating in major psychiatric disorders: completing a missing piece of the psychiatric genetics puzzle
  • Anna Kähler (R01/Sub) Schizophrenia case-control study of neonatal and post onset methylomes
  • Erik Melén (R01/Sub) CC16 in Childhood and Resilience to Persistent Asthma into Adult Life
  • Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam (U01/Sub) Immunoglobulin gene diversity in an African population and impact on antibody function in HIV infection
  • Ivanka Savic-Berglund (R01/Sub) Gender identity and own body perception implications for the neurobiology of gender dysphoria
  • Johan Grunewald (R01/Sub) T cell epitopes in sarcoidosis
  • Maria Sabater Lleal (R01/Sub) Population genomic variation, functional biology, and the risk of venous thrombosis
  • Michael Yi Bonner (F31/Prime) Redox modulation - Impact on Tumor Growth and Therapeutic Anticancer Efficacy
  • Tatiana Deliagina (R01/Sub) Neural Mechanisms of Locomotion Evoked by Epidural Stimulation of the Spinal Cord
  • Rickard Sandberg (R01/Sub) Deciphering the building blocks of hippocampal circuits
  • Rickard Sandberg (U19/Sub) A comprehensive whole-brain atlas of cell types in the mouse
  • Sara Öberg (R01/Sub) Long-term Impact of Fertility Treatment Study
  • Sten Linnarsson (U01/Sub) A multimodal atlas of human brain cell types
  • Ahmed Elewa (F32/Prime) Discovering signature genes and developing expression markers for blastema cells
  • David Mataix-Cols (R01/Sub) OCD: Novel Comparative Genomic Approaches to Identify Disease and Treatment Mechanisms
  • Elias Arnér (R21/Sub) Redox regulation in the hepatostat
  • Fredrik Wiklund (R01/Sub) The Genetic Basis of Aggressive Prostate Cancer: The Role of Rare Variation.
  • Jon Lundberg (R01/Sub) Therapeutic Targeting of Vascular Subphenotypes of Lung Disease
  • Konstantinos Meletis (R21/Sub) Development of a whole-brain cellular mapping approach in a genetic model of autism and intellectual disability.
  • Nancy Pedersen (R56/Sub) Gene-Environment Interplay of Social Contexts and Aging-Related Outcomes.
  • Ujjwal Neogi (R01/Sub) Reverse Transcriptase Multi-Class Drug Resistance and Rilpivirine Susceptibility in Diverse HIV-1 Subtypes
  • Karin Broberg (Ro1/Sub) Factors Modifying Toxicity of Methylmercury in a Fish-eating Population
  • Kristina Gemzell Danielsson (HHSN/Sub) Clinical Evaluation of Nestorone Gel and Testosterone Gel for Male Contraception
  • Lennart Hammarstrom (R01/Sub) IgA Nephropathy: Interventions with Generation of Nephritogenic Immune Complexes
  • Marianne Schultzberg (R21/Sub) Resplving Factors in Alzheimenrs Disease
  • Mikael Landén (R01/Sub) 1/3 Genetic Analysis of the International Cohort Collection for Bipolar Disorder

Research projects funded by other funders 


  • Karin Loré (Prime) COVID-19: NHP Study of Novavax nanoparticle at Karolinska
  • Anna Smed Sörensen (Prime) COVID-19: blood and airway disease in Sweden
  • Karin Loré (Prime) Immunogenicity study of CureVac’s mRNA vaccine for Covid-19 in rhesus macaques
  • Helena Lindgren Maternal and child healthcare in Sub-Saharan African countries.


Karin Loré (Prime) Analyse the immune responses elicited by novel mRNA-based vaccines. 


Karin Loré (Sub) Structure Based Immunogen Design at UWIPD.



Jeffrey Modell Foundation: Lennart Hammarström (Sub)

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI): Fredrik Piehl (Prime) Rituximab in Multiple Sclerosis: A Comparative Study on Effectiveness, Safety, and Patient-Reported Outcomes. Läs mer på KI Nyheter


CHDI Foundation Inc: Christer Halldin

The Myositis Association: Ingrid Lundberg

The Vallee Foundation: Rickard Sandberg (Vallee Scholar) The nature of allelic gene expression in vivo.

News on received US funding