Research Groups within Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Research in stem cells and regenerative medicine spans across most departments at Karolinska Institutet, all with the goal of deepening our understanding of biology and improving human health.
Our research groups explore a wide range of organ systems, tissues, and cell types, methods and technologies.
As a result, the categories below may only represent a part of the full scope of our work.
If your group is not listed or if you feel your work is placed incorrectly, please let us know (see below)
Cell-, Gene- Therapy
Cancer stem cells and tissue regeneration
Cardio-, Vascular System
Development, Stem cell biology, Ageing, Senescence, Cell death, Gene regulation
Haematopoietic-, Immune- system, Immunotherapy
Metabolism, Obesity
Nervous system
Regeneration, Fibrosis and Stem cells in homeostasis
Skin, Epithelial Stem Cells
Synthetic biology, Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Delivery
Changes, additions, suggestions, just send us an email:
Daniel Holl
CoordinatiorIf your group is not listed or if you feel your work is placed incorrectly, please let us know.