StratRegen at ForskarFredag
ForskarFredag (Researchers' Friday) is part of Researchers' night, celebrated across Europe to showcase how fascinating, important, and enjoyable research is. "Scientists are ordinary people with unusually exciting jobs" is the motto of ForskarFredag.

StratRegen researchers sparked student curiosity with engaging activities. From glove techniques to pipetting challenges, students immersed themselves in the world of stem cell research. At the microscope the students could incvestigate and identify stem cells themselves.
Our booth attracted a long queue of interested students eager to connect with real researchers, asking questions and gaining insights into the dynamic field. Forskar Fredag was not just an event but a catalyst for igniting passion and opening doors to the exciting world of stem cell research!
Do you want to participate in the 2025 Forskar Fredag and meet students, contact:
Forskare är vanliga människor med ovanligt spännande jobb!
Forskarfredag 2024

Many high school students at Science Festival
The Science Festival Forskarfredag was organized at Albanova the 27 September. Many activities took place, for instance a Science Fair and the competition Researchers' Grand Prix. Many researchers from KI participated and met curious high school students.