12 Projects receive StratRegen funding for 2025 and 2026

The SFO for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine has decided to allocate SEK 24 million/year for 12 research grants (each project receives SEK 2,000,000/year). The aim of the call is to support excellent research within the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Furthermore, we aim to strengthen and support high-quality translational health research fostering collaboration between fundamental/pre-clinical and clinical research.

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Junior Grants 2025-2026

Senior Grants 2025-2026

Tandem Grants 2025-2026


The applications were reviewed and scored by a panel of eight international reviewers. One reviewer was assigned to present the project at the joint committee meeting. After discussion, the final rankings of all applications for Junior/Senior/Tandem grants were submitted to the steering group for decision.


Statistics* (M/F)

Success rate
ApplicantNumber of applicantsApproved proposals (number of applicants)Success rate

Success rate* (Junior/Senior/Tandem grants)

Success rate
CallNumber of applicationsFunded projectsSuccess rate

* The number of applications and applicants differs because tandem grants require two applicants.

Daniel Holl