OnkPat research groups A-Ö
Dzevad Belkic Quantum mechanic collisions and spectroscopy
Yvonne Brandberg Psycho-oncology
Åsa Carlsson Tedgren Clinical radiation therapy
Katalin Dobra Molecular pathology of the lung and pleura
Henrik Druid Forensic medicine
Simon Ekman Precision Cancer Medicine in Lung Cancer - Preclinical, Translational & Clinical Research
Martin Enge Cancer stem cells and clonal structure in ALL
Hanna Eriksson Clinical and translational melanoma research
Marianne Farnebo RNA-guided DNA repair and cancer
Theodoros Foukakis Translational breast cancer research
Leonard Girnita Molecular pathology of receptor signaling in cancer
Anita Göndör Interplay between circadian 3D genome organization and metabolism in complex diseases
Johan Hartman Precision pathology and tumor heterogeneity
Hildur Helgadottir Malignant melanoma
Thomas Helleday Harnessing defects in the DNA damage response and metabolism to develop novel therapies
Lars Holmgren Mechanisms of establishment of blood vessels
Olli Kallioniemi Precision cancer medicine
Kasper Karlsson Precision strategies to eradicate heterogeneous tumor cells in pediatric cancer
Rolf Kiessling Cancer immune and gene therapy
Catharina Larsson Medical genetics
Ola Larsson Translational control of cancer
Olle Larsson Studies on insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) and its role in malignant cell growth
Janne Lehtiö Cancer proteomics to improve therapy
Linda Lindström Breast cancer epidemiology
Andreas Lundqvist Cell-based immune therapy for cancer
Pär Nordlund Pär Nordlund's group
Laura Orellana Protein dynamics and mutation
Kenny Rodriguez-Wallberg Laboratory of translational fertility preservation
Sean Rudd Nucleotide metabolism and molecular therapeutics
Susanne Schlisio Oxygen sensing, cancer and intratumor heterogeneity
Fredrik Strand Computational breast imaging
Peter Strang Palliative care research with a focus on equal care
Thuy Tran The TRANslational Theranostics Group
Klas G Wiman p53, Wig-1 and PRIMA-1/APR-246
Anders Österborg Targeted therapies for patients with B cell malignancies
Arne Östman Studies on tumor stroma