Research at OnkPat

The Department of Oncology-Pathology conducts basic, translational, clinical research and teaching activities related to cancer. We aim to discover fundamental mechanisms in all aspects of cancer biology, find novel biomarkers and potent anti-cancer drugs for personalized cancer medicine. We maintain state-of art equipment for our scientists to share for a more sustainable and efficient work. To support our research, contact our Head of Administration

Photo: Sören Lindén
Photo: Sören Lindén
A portrait of dr Hildur Helgadottir, she has lång, blond hair and is dressed in white scrubs. Photo: Stefan Zimmerman

Grant from the Sjöberg Foundation to Hildur Helgadottir

Hildur Helgadottir receives project funding from the Sjöberg Foundation of totally 21 million SEK divided over three years. The funding supports the project “NEO-TIL: A Multicenter Clinical Initiative Conducted by the Swedish Melanoma Study Group”. Co-applicants are Stina Wickström, also at OnkPat, and Göran Jönsson and Ana Carneiro at Lund University and Lars Ny, Roger Olofsson Bagge and Jonas Nilsson at University of Gothenburg.