Division of Clinical Genomics & Virology

Our Division of Clinical Genomics & Virology leads translation of genomics research into clinical and diagnostic settings. We drive the use of genomic technologies—including massively parallel sequencing—and ensure cutting edge analytical capability. Our researchers are experts in virology. By hosting infrastructures such as Clinical Genomics (SciLifeLab) and Genomic Medicine Center Karolinska, we support researchers and healthcare across Sweden with our team of dedicated experts.

Staff and contact

Head of Division

All members of the group

Groups and Teams within Division

Clinical Genomics & Virology- Valtteri Wirta

The Clinical Genomics Stockholm unit is a research infrastructure at Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) for large-scale, genomics-based analyses using next generation sequencing technologies. The unit assists in translational research projects, in the translation of genomics-based tools to routine clinical care and also aims to improve the capability for national microbial surveillance and for pandemic preparedness.

Clinical Genomics Stockholm

Valtteri Wirta

Head of Office

HIV and enterovirus evolution and spread – Jan Albert Group

The main research focus in our group is on HIV genetic variation, evolution and resistance. We also study enterovirus evolution and spread.

HIV and enterovirus evolution and spread – Jan Albert Group

Profile image

Jan Albert

Professor, Senior