Staff and contact
Head of Division
- Velmurugesan ArulampalamResearcher | Docent
All members of the group
- Velmurugesan ArulampalamResearcher | Docent
- Annelie BraunerProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
- Francesca ChiodiProfessor, Senior
- Ali DadvarResearch Assistant
- Sanyukta DarnalPostdoctoral Studies
- Anna DziubaAffiliated to Research
- Pedro GilPrincipal Researcher | Docent
- Zhen GongAffiliated to Research
- Beston HamasurAffiliated to Research
- Shady Mansour Mostafa KamalAffiliated to Research
- Li LiPostdoctoral Researcher
- Hanxiong LiResearch Specialist
- Ruining LiuPostdoctoral Researcher
- Kevin MemsuriOther | Research Assistant
- Taís Nóbrega de SousaResearch Specialist
- Ute RömlingProfessor
- Roman SidorovResearch Assistant
- Daniel SorobeteaAssistant Professor
- Mats WahlgrenProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
- Britta WahrenProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
- John Kerr WhiteAffiliated to Research
- Hans WigzellProfessor Emeritus/Emerita