SRP Diabetes Researchers
SRP Diabetes is a research environment open for all interested Principal Investigators (PIs) at Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University. Several PIs have over the years been funded in some way by SRP Diabetes. Below is a non-complete list.

SRP Diabetes affiliated Principal Investigators
Photo: Stefan Nobel
Principal Investigators affiliated to SRP Diabetes
Daniel P Andersson
Affiliated to ResearchPeter Arner
Affiliated to ResearchJohn Axelsson
Senior LecturerPer-Olof Berggren
Professor, SeniorNiklas Björkström
Professor/Specialist PhysicianJan Bolinder
Professor Emeritus/EmeritaKerstin Brismar
Professor, SeniorChristian Broberger
Affiliated to ResearchPetter Brodin
Professor/Specialist PhysicianSergiu-Bogdan Catrina
Senior Lecturer/Senior PhysicianPing Chen
Principal ResearcherAlexander Chibalin
Senior Research SpecialistIngrid Dahlman
Adjunct ProfessorCarsten Daub
Principal ResearcherQiaolin Deng
Principal Researcher
Helena Edlund
ProfessorRongrong Fan
Principal ResearcherRachel Fisher
ProfessorAlessandro Furlan
Assistant ProfessorCarolina Hagberg
Principal ResearcherLisa Juntti-Berggren
Professor, SeniorAlastair Kerr
Senior Research SpecialistAnna Krook
ProfessorJohanna Lanner
Senior LecturerJurga Laurencikiene
ResearcherTorbjörn Lundgren
Affiliated to ResearchThomas Nyström
Professor/Senior PhysicianErik Näslund
Professor/Senior Physician
Tommy Olsson
ProfessorDepartment of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University