Groups/teams and leaders by research areas

The Department of Neuroscience incorporates research groups and teams dealing with different aspects of the function of the nervous system, both under normal conditions and during different diseases. NEURO has four main fields of research. Research projects include a broad range of studies at the molecular and cellular levels, the network level and at the level of the overall organization of the nervous system.

Cognitive Neuroscience

We use an interdisciplinary approach to understand the human mind. The theme encompasses imaging neuroscience, neurophysiology, computation, and experimental psychology. The goal is to further our understanding of the relationship between cognitive phenomena and the underlying physical substrate of the brain. Using a combination of behavioral paradigms, state-of-the-art brain imaging, and theoretical modelling, the cognitive neuroscience research taking place within the department seeks to elucidate how high-level functions, such as working memory, body-self perception, and creativity relate to specific neural substructures in the human brain.

Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders

We study pathogenetic mechanisms of neurological and mental diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, motor neuron disorders, epilepsy, neuropathic pain, prion-related disorders, schizophrenia, depression, ADHD, drug addiction and narcolepsy. Cell cultures, animal models of disease, and human postmortem samples are utilized to identify novel strategies for neural repair and for the improvement of current pharmacological therapies. Methods employed include behavioral, biochemical and genetic analyses, histochemical/anatomical and optogenetic techniques combined with the use of genetically modified mice. The final aim is to attain a highly translational approach ranging from test tube to animal experimental studies and to clinical trials.

Neural cells: development, biology and pathology

We study the development and differentiation of neurons and glial cells, with focus on the role of growth factors, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. We further address neuronal functions such as synaptic mechanisms, endocytosis, and ion channel function. Studies of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in neuropathological processes include cellular reprogramming models as well as models for neurotoxic cell damage that also aim at investigating the long-term functional consequences of neural insults.

Neural networks and behaviour

We focus on defining the function and organisation of circuits controlling behaviour, from networks responsible for the execution of movement in the brainstem and spinal cord to planning and endocrine centres in the basal ganglia, hypothalamus and cortex. Model systems, including lamprey, zebrafish, and rodents are used in conjunction with state-of-the-art tools such as electrophysiological, histochemical/anatomical, imaging, genetic and optogenetics. The ultimate goal is to understand the processing in neural networks for behaviour and to develop strategies to cure the diseased nervous system.

AIMES – The Center for the Advancement of Integrated Medical and Engineering Sciences

AIMES represents a joint collaborative effort by KI and KTH in interdisciplinary research and community benefit. We provide an environment where researchers with integrated knowledge in technology, materials science and medical issues use their full repertoire to solve research problems and develop new technologies. By unifying basic and applied research in open dialogue with industry and the public sector, AIMES will bring science to society offering solutions to a number of global societal challenges.

Group and team leaders in this area
Group leader/PIResearch groupWhere to find us
Keira MelicanBacterial Pathogenesis – Keira Melican groupBiomedicum, 8B
Agneta Richter DahlforsAgneta Richter-Dahlfors groupBiomedicum, 8B

Other research group leaders

Group leader/PI: Anders Borgkvist
Research group: Borgkvist Laboratory
Research area: 
Location: Biomedicum, 4B

Group leader/PI: Emanuela Santini
Research group: Santini Laboratory
Research area:
Location: Biomedicum, 4B

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