Konstantina Kilteni

Konstantina Kilteni

Assistant Professor
Visiting address: ,
Postal address: C4 Neurovetenskap, C4 Forskning Kilteni, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • /I studied Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical
    University of Athens (Greece), I did my PhD in Clinical Psychology and
    Psychobiology at the University of Barcelona (Spain) and my postdoc at the
    Department of Neuroscience at Karolinska Institute (Sweden). In January 2020,
    I was promoted to assistant professor funded by a career development grant
    from the Karolinska Institutet. In May 2020, I set up my own independent
    group at the Department of Neuroscience as principal investigator./
    /I am interested in how the brain distinguishes between somatosensory
    reafference (touches that are produced by our voluntary movements) and
    somatosensory exafference (touches that are produced by external factors). To
    do so, I use psychophysical, kinematic, and electromyographic assessment,
    and neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, MEG) methods./
    Lab page: https://www.kiltenilab.org/ [1]
    01.01.2020 – now *Assistant Professor in Medical Science at Karolinska
    Institute* (https://staff.ki.se/position-as-assistant-professor [2])
    01.01.2020 – 31.12.2023 *Starting Grant in Medicine and Health* from the
    Swedish Research
    Council (https://www.vr.se/english/calls-and-decisions/grant-decisions/decisions/2019-08-06-medicine-and-health.html
    04.12.2019 Recognized as being among *the top 10% most cited* PLOS ONE
    19.10.2019 – 23.10.2019 *FENS Travel Grant
    10.2019 *KI Travel Grant, * Neuroscience Department, Karolinska Institutet,
    Sweden (554€)
    30.11.2018 *Representative of Neuroscience Department of Karolinska
    Institute *in the inauguration of the Biomedicum Research Facility as one of
    the six young promising researchers from
    11.2018 – 10.2020 *KI Research Grant, * Neuroscience Department,
    Karolinska Institutet, Sweden (9.000€)
    07.2018 Article* *(Kilteni et al. 2018)* *featured in* /Nature
    Communications /Editors’ Highlights *for particularly interesting or
    important research ‘From Brain to
    Behaviour’* *(https://www.nature.com/collections/ed-highlights-brain-behaviour
    10.2018 *KI Travel Grant, * Neuroscience Department, Karolinska Institutet,
    Sweden (855€)
    01.2017 – 01.2019 *Marie Skłodowska-Curie* *Individual
    fellowship, * Neuroscience Department, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden (score:
    95.8%) (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/201238/brief/en [7])
    01.2018 – 12.2018 *Elected Treasurer of Karolinska Institute Postdoctoral
    Association*, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
    2016-2017 *KI Research Grant, * Neuroscience Department, Karolinska
    Institutet, Sweden
    01.2016 – 12.2016 *Wenner Gren Foundation fellowship, * Neuroscience
    Department, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden [second year of fellowship declined
    to accept the* *Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship]
    12.2013 *ARFV/EuroVR Award* for most promising research applied
    to *Industry*
    2008 *Thomaides Foundation Award *for publishing original research article
    based on Diploma Thesis
    [1] https://www.kiltenilab.org/
    [2] https://staff.ki.se/position-as-assistant-professor
    [3] https://www.vr.se/english/calls-and-decisions/grant-decisions/decisions/2019-08-06-medicine-and-health.html
    [4] https://www.fens.org/News-Activities/News/20191/07/SfN-travel-grant-awardees-have-been-announced/
    [5] https://ki.se/en/ki/calendar/inauguration-karolinska-institutet-biomedicum
    [6] https://www.nature.com/collections/ed-highlights-brain-behaviour
    [7] https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/201238/brief/en


  • Try to tickle yourself. No matter how hard you try, the resulting sensation
    will always feel less ticklish and less intense compared to the sensation
    produced by somebody else tickling you. In our lab, we study how the human
    brain predicts the somatosensory stimuli that are generated by our actions
    and how this prediction affects our perception.


All other publications


  • Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 2020-2026


  • Leonie Seidel, 2022

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