Group and team leaders at the Department of Neuroscience A-Ö

The Department of Neuroscience incorporates research groups and teams dealing with different aspects of the function of the nervous system, both under normal conditions and during different diseases.


Group leader/PI: Konstantinos Ampatzis
Research group: Neuroplasticity and Regeneration – Konstantinos Ampatzis group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 4D

Group leader/PI: Anders Borgkvist
Research group: Borgkvist Laboratory
Research area: 
Location: Biomedicum, 4B

Group leaders/PI: Dasiel Oscar Borroto Escuela, Kjell Fuxe
Research group: GPCR Heteroreceptor Complexes in Brain Disorders - Dasiel Oscar Borroto Escuela group
Research area: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Lennart Brodin
Research group: Presynaptic mechanisms - Lennart Brodin group
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Marie Carlén
Research group: Neural circuits of cognition - Marie Carlén group (CarlenLab)
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 4B

Group leader/PI: Andrea Carmine Belin
Research group: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders ‒ Andrea Carmine Belin group
Research area: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders
Location: Biomedicum, 7D

Group leader/PI: Sandra Ceccatelli
Research group: Environmental and genetic factors influence on neurodevelopment – Sandra Ceccatelli group
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, 7D

Group leader/PI: Tatiana Deliagina
Research group: Organization and operation of postural neuronal networks in health and disease - Tatiana Deliagina group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 4B

Group leader/PI: Rochellys Diaz Heijtz
Research group: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders - Rochellys Diaz Heijtz group
Research area: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders
Location: Biomedicum, 8D

Group leader/PI: Henrik Ehrsson
Research group: Cognitive Neuroscience of Bodily Awareness and Self-Cognition – Henrik Ehrsson Group
Research area: Cognitive Neuroscience
Location: Biomedicum, 4D

Group leader/PI: Abdel El Manira
Research group: Neurobiology of Motor Actions – Abdel El Manira group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 4B


Group leader/PI: Anna Falk
Research group: Neural stem cells - Anna Falk group
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, D7

Group leader/PI: Gilberto Fisone
Research group: Molecular and circuit neuropharmacology - Gilberto Fisone group
Research area: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders
Location: Biomedicum, B4

Group leader/PI: Kaj Fried
Research group: Craniofacial neurobiology -  Kaj Fried group
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, D6

Group leader/PI: Alessandro Furlan
Research group: Neurobiology of Obesity - Alessandro Furlan group
Research areas: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disordersNeural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, B4

Group leader: Janos Fuzik
Research group: Neuronal circuits of anxiety – Janos Fuzik group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 4D

Group leader/PI: Sten Grillner
Research group: Circuits controlling Action and their Evolution – Sten Grillner group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 4B

Group leader/PI: Mattias Günther
Research group: Experimental Traumatology research unit
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Saida Hadjab
Research group: Neurobiology of pain & Therapeutics – Saida Hadjab Group
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, 7D

Group leader/PI: Tibor Harkany
Research group: Molecular and cellular neuroendocrinology - Tibor Harkany group
Research area: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders
Location: Biomedicum, 7D

Group leader/PI: Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski
Research group: Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior

Group leader/PI: Anna Herland
Research group: Herland Laboratory
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Ola Hermanson
Research group: Molecular neurodevelopment and neuro-oncology - Ola Hermanson group
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, 7D

Group leader/PI: Tomas Hökfelt
Research group: Chemical and functional neuroanatomy of pain and stress systems - Tomas Hökfelt group
Research area: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders
Location: Biomedicum, 7D


Group leader/PI: Carlos Ibáñez
Research group: Molecular Neuroscience - Carlos Ibáñez group
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, 7D/8D

Group leader/PI: Federico Iovino
Research group: Neuro-infections & Neuro-inflammation - Federico Iovino Group
Research area: Bacterial Infections in the Brain
Location: Biomedicum, 7D

Group leader/PI: Håkan Karlsson
Research group: Neuropsychiatric disorders - Håkan Karlsson group
Research area: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Tobias Karlsson
Research group:
Research area: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders
Location: Biomedicum, 7D

Group leader/PI: Maya Ketzef
Research group: Neuroscience/Neuronal circuits – Maya Ketzef group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Ole Kiehn
Research group: Neurons and Neural Networks - Ole Kiehn group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 7D

Group leader/PI: Konstantina Kilteni
Research group: Motor control, somatosensory processing, and tickle perception - Konstantina Kilteni group
Research area: Cognitive Neuroscience
Location: Biomedicum, 4D

Group leader/PI: Torkel Klingberg
Research group: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience – Torkel Klingberg group
Research area: Cognitive Neuroscience
Location: Biomedicum, 4D

Group leader/PI: François Lallemend
Research group: Neurobiology of Sensory Systems - Francois Lallemend group
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, 7D

Group leader/PI: Juan Pablo Lopez
Research group: Neurobiology of Stress and Treatment Response – Juan Pablo Lopez group
Research area: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disordersNeural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 7D


Group leader/PI: Björn Meister
Research group: Brain control of food intake and body weight - Björn Meister group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Konstantinos Meletis
Research group: Konstantinos Meletis group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 4B

Group leader: Keira Melican
Team: Bacterial Pathogenesis – Keira Melican group
Research area: see AIMES - Center for the Advancement of Integrated Medical and Engineering Sciences
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Jan Mulder
Research group: Molecular mapping of the nervous system in health and disease – Jan Mulder group
Research area: Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Laurence Picton
Research group: Spinal circuits for whole-body motor coordination – Laurence Picton group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 4B

Group leader/PI: Agneta Richter Dahlfors
Research group: Agneta Richter-Dahlfors group
Research area: Nano-medicine and Nanoscience, (see also AIMES - Center for the Advancement of Integrated Medical and Engineering Sciences)
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Mårten Risling
Research group: Experimental Traumatology research unit
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Emanuela Santini
Research group: Santini Laboratory
Research area:
Location: Biomedicum, 4B

Group leader/PI: Oleg Shupliakov
Research group: Neuronal membrane trafficking - Oleg Shupliakov group
Research area: Neural cells: development, biology and pathology
Location: Biomedicum, 8B

Group leader/PI: Gilad Silberberg
Research group: Gilad Silberberg group
Research area: Neural networks and behavior
Location: Biomedicum, 4B

Group leader/PI: Fredrik Ullén
Research group: Neuropsychology of music - Fredrik Ullén group
Research area: Cognitive Neuroscience
Location: Biomedicum, 4D

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