KIPRIME podcast episode 14 - Per Palmgren
From learning environments to learning in environments – an interview with Per J. Palmgren.

Per J. Palmgren is an associate professor in medical education and assistant senior lecturer at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME) at KI. He has been the director of doctoral studies at LIME since 2022. Per works predominantly with higher education and pedagogy for doctoral and faculty development courses, and he also works partly as a pedagogical advisor and senior lecturer in higher education at the Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Manual Medicine.
Per’s primary line of research focuses on the environment in which students learn, and teachers work, but his approach has changed over the years. Since his Ph.D., his attention has shifted to researching educational environments with an organizational perspective.
Today, Per is most interested in students' learning and teachers facilitating students' learning or simply in moving from introspecting “learning environments” to “learning in environments.”
In this episode of the KIPRIME podcast, Per talks to Alina Jenkins about his eclectic areas of research and how a background in dance led to a strong passion for teaching and learning.
Listen to episode 14
Production team
A production from the Unit for Teaching and Learning.
Host and editor: Alina Jenkins
Executive producer: Jonas Nordquist
Technical producer: Samuel Lundberg
Web: Louise Grännsjö