KIPRIME podcast episode 14 - Professor Rola Ajjawi

Social, relational, and cultural influences on learning to promote student success – an interview with Professor Rola Ajjawi.

Professor Rola Ajjawi
Photo: Erik Cronberg

Rola Ajjawi is Professor of Educational Research at the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) at Deakin University, Australia. She has a Bachelor's Honours Degree in Physiotherapy and worked as a physiotherapist and clinical educator before moving into academia full-time with the completion of her PhD in 2007. Since then, she has led a program of research centred on work-integrated learning with an interest in inclusion, assessment, and feedback in the workplace.  

Rola is Deputy Editor of the journal Medical Education, on the editorial board of Teaching in Higher Education and is lead editor of an edited book Assessment for Inclusion in Higher Education: Promoting Equity and Social Justice (Routledge). She also has over 140 publications including peer-review journal articles, book chapters and books.  

She has been researching health professions education since starting her PhD in 2003, building an international research portfolio in feedback, clinical supervision, and assessment-for-inclusion. Her research has shed light on social, relational, and cultural influences on learning to promote student success. 

Listen to episode 14

Production team

A production from the Unit for Teaching and Learning.

Host and editor: Alina Jenkins 
Executive producer: Jonas Nordquist
Technical producer: Samuel Lundberg
Web: Louise Grännsjö

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