KIPRIME podcast episode 16 - Diantha Soemantri
The importance of feedback and reflection in medical education – an interview with Professor Diantha Soemantri.

Diantha Soemantri is a Professor and Vice Director of medical education at the Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI), Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, where she graduated as a medical doctor in 2005. She acquired the Master of Medical Education title from the University of Dundee in 2007 and PhD in the same field from the University of Melbourne in 2013.
She is now the head of the Master in Medical Education Program at Universitas Indonesia and is also responsible for the multi- and interprofessional education of the Health Sciences Cluster.
In this episode of the KIMPRIME podcast, Diantha talks to Alina Jenkins about her current research exploring the practice of delivering written feedback in a medical education context. She is also studying medical students’ acceptance and resistance towards e-portfolios as an assessment tool, especially in the context of specific cultural values of high collectivism, large power distance and high uncertainty avoidance.
Listen to episode 16
Production team
A production from the Unit for Teaching and Learning.
Host and editor: Alina Jenkins
Executive producer: Jonas Nordquist
Technical producer: Samuel Lundberg
Web: Louise Grännsjö