KIPRIME podcast episode 13 - Professor Samar Abdelazim Ahmed

A unique approach to cultural contextualisation - an interview with Professor Samar Abdelazim Ahmed 

Professor Samar Abdelazim Ahmed is Vice-Dean for Education at Dubai Medical School for Girls, having previously been full professor in forensic medicine at Ain Shams University, Cairo. She is the Founding Director of the FAIMER Fellowship in Health Professions Education ASU-MENA-FRI and the associate editor for Medical Education in the Frontiers.  

Samar has extensive experience in quality assurance and evaluation in medical education, including strategic planning and implementation and the development and implementation of educational initiatives.  She has worked to develop an organisational culture and a community of practice in the Middle East and North Africa.  
Her research areas are broad and range from polarity mapping to transformation and program evaluation methodologies. In this episode of the KIPRIME podcast, Samar talks about her research and her unique approach to cultural contextualisation.  

Listen to episode 13

Production team

A production from the Unit for Teaching and Learning.

Host and editor: Alina Jenkins 
Executive producer: Jonas Nordquist
Technical producer: Samuel Lundberg
Web: Louise Grännsjö

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