KIPRIME podcast episode 12 - Ardi Findyartini
From clinical reasoning to faculty development and sociocultural factors in medical education – an interview with Ardi Findyartini.

Ardi Findyartini is a medical doctor and a Professor in Medical Education, from the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. She is currently the Head of Medical Education Unit and the Chair of Medical Education Cluster of Indonesia Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia. She is also the current chair of ASPIRE excellence in faculty development panel, an initiative of AMEE international organisation in medical education towards excellence in different areas, as well as being a member of the faculty development committee in AMEE.
Ardi has a wide interest in research in medical and health professions education. Her areas of research started by focusing on clinical reasoning, critical thinking and how the two should be taught and incorporated in undergraduate medical curriculum. In this episode of the KIPRIME podcast, Ardi talks to Alina Jenkins about how her research has been transformed to studies in faculty development, humanism, and professionalism, interprofessional education and sociocultural factors in medical and health professions education.
Listen to episode 12
Production team
A production from the Unit for Teaching and Learning.
Host and editor: Alina Jenkins
Executive producer: Jonas Nordquist
Technical producer: Samuel Lundberg
Web: Louise Grännsjö