KIPRIME podcast episode 22 - Richard Reznick
Surgeon, leading medical educator and a pioneer of the OSCE - an interview with Dr Richard Reznick.

Dr Richard Reznick is Professor of Surgery and Dean Emeritus at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.
He received his undergraduate university education and medical degree from McGill University, followed by a general surgical residency at the University of Toronto. He spent two years in fellowship training, first obtaining a Masters’ degree in medical education from Southern Illinois University, followed by a fellowship in colorectal surgery at the University of Texas in Houston, Texas.
Since his first faculty appointment at the University of Toronto in 1987, Dr. Reznick has been active in both colorectal surgery and research in medical education. He was instrumental in developing a performance-based examination, which is now used for medical licensure in Canada. He ran a research program on assessment of technical competence for surgeons and supervised a fellowship program in surgical education.
Winner of the Karolinska prize in 2010, Dr. Reznick has received numerous other awards for his work in education, including the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Medal in Surgery and the James H. Graham Award of Merit, the Association for Surgical Education Distinguished Educator Award, the National Board of Medical Examiners John P. Hubbard Award, the Daniel C. Tosteson Award for Leadership in Medical Education and the 2006 Inaugural University of Toronto President’s Teaching Award. In 2015, he was the recipient of McGill University’s Medicine Alumni Global Award for Lifetime Achievement.
Dr. Reznick is an honourary fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, the Royal College of Surgeons (England) and has recently been appointed as President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
He’s the author of over 130 peer-reviewed publications and has delivered nearly 300 lectures to hospitals, universities and scientific organizations around the world.
Listen to episode 22
KIPRIME podcast
Production team
A production from the Unit for Teaching and Learning.
Host: Alina Jenkins
Senior editor: Philip Malmgren
Senior technical producer: Marcus Emas
Technical editor: Samuel Lundberg
Executive producer: Jonas Nordquist