About Us

The programme is based on several different research groups at Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University and was started in 2010 with support from the government through the "SFO" funding scheme (the Strategic Research Area, SRA, initiative) and co-funded by KI and Stockholm County Council during 2010-2015 through the theme center initiative.

Organizational Structure of SRP Diabetes. Management group: Anna Krook (Director), Mikael Rydén (Vice-Director), Helena Edlund, Malin Flodström Tullberg, Carolina Hagberg, Thomas Nyström and Harriet Wallberg.


By forming an integrated research environment in diabetes and metabolism the Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes at Karolinska Institutet (SRP Diabetes) has become a Swedish knowledge hub in this area. The programme translates results between experimental and clinical science to improve the care and treatment of people with diabetes. SRP Diabetes came out very well in the international evaluation in 2015 (number one in life sciences) and the programme has since received continued support by the government through the SFO initiative.


The overall goal of SRP Diabetes is to improve both prevention and treatment of diabetes by forming a strong, integrated research environment in the diabetes field, rich in collaboration, communication, and scientific exchange.

Specifically, the programme aims to:

  • Develop and support common technical platforms for researchers at KI and UmU. These platforms include Metabolic Phenotyping Centre for Diabetic Animal Models, a Centre for Clinical Metabolic Research in Diabetes, a Beta Cell in-vivo Imaging / Extracellular Flux Analysis (SeaHorse) and support for Spatial transcriptomics at BIC (Solna) and at Flemingsberg.
  • Support for critical instrumentation to group leaders
  • Support the next generation of scientist: postdoctoral fellowship program
  • Increase interactions between the research teams of the programme by supporting collaborative projects and arranging common symposia, meetings and seminars
  • Support undergraduate and graduate education within the research areas connected to the programme
  • Increase translational research by supporting collaborative projects between experimental and clinical researchers
  • Facilitate international contacts
  • Support interactions with the biotech and pharmaceutical industry
  • Support innovation and commercial utilization by liasing with Karolinska Institutet Innovations
  • Increase public awarness and inform about current diabetes related research

The programme coordinate laboratories possessing substantial expertise and unique technical resources, thus affording a natural point of contact for collaboration within the diabetes area, both for researchers within Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University as well as with external researchers.

Management Group

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Anna Krook

Director of SRP Diabetes
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Mikael Ryden

Vice-Director of SRP Diabetes
Department of Medicine, Huddinge

Helena Edlund

Member management group
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Malin Flodström Tullberg

Member of management group
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Carolina Hagberg

Member management group
Department of Medicine, Solna
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Harriet Wallberg

Member management group
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Stefan Nobel

Programme Manager

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Stefan Nobel