SRP Diabetes KI and UmU Seminar Series
This seminar series has the aim to highlight researchers mainly within the local research community in diabetes and metabolism at Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University. In this way SRP Diabetes encourage new interactions and collaborations within the community.
Next seminars April 7
"Insights gained from interventions targeting obesity and type 2 diabetes" by Tommy Olsson, UmU
”Everything you want to know about human adipose tissue” by Mikael Rydén, MedH, KI
Time: April 7, 15.30-16.30
Place: Peter Reichard hall, Biomedicum

Earlier seminars 2025
David Rizo Roca, Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology, ”Creatine Thinking: Mitochondrial Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes”
Hannes hagström, Dept of Medicine Huddinge, "Risk for liver-related events and screening for liver disease in Type 2 diabetes".
Earlier seminars 2024
Johanna Lanner, Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology, “In vitro muscle test system from AD Instruments”
Mattias Carlström, Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology, “High Resolution DXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) Body Composition Analyzer”
Per Uhlén, Dept of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, ”Single-Cell Spatial Genomics with MERSCOPE”
Benjamin Dedic, Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, “Biorep Perifusion System”
Carolina Hagberg, Dept of Medicine Solna, “Protein Simple Jess capillary western blot machine”
Maarten van De Klundert, Dept of Medicine Huddinge “Digital PCR”
Sofia Carlsson, Institute of Environmental Medicine, "New epidemiological insights into autoimmune diabetes in adults and early-onset type 2 diabetes"
Jon Lundberg, Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology, ”Gut commensal bacteria utilize dietary nitrate and iron to generate di-nitrosyl iron complexes with antidiabetic effects”
Thomas Nyström/Vladimer Darsalia, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, “Macrovascular complications and diabetes”
Rongrong Fan, Dept of Medicine Huddinge, "F.sight 2.0 - A benchtop cell sorter for highly efficient single cell dispensing"
Earlier seminars 2023
Ana Teixeira, Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology, "Mapping and targeting insulin receptor nanodomains"
Petter Brodin, Dept of Women’s and Children’s Health, "Immune-microbe interactions early in life"
Jorge Ruas, Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology, ”Identification of an E3 ligase necessary to maintain sarcomere structure and mitochondrial function”
Olov Andersson, Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology, ”Regeneration of pancreatic beta-cells”
Anna Wredenberg, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, “The role of mitochondrial SAM in health and disease"
Alastair Kerr, Dept of Medicine Huddinge, “Long noncoding RNA as a regulator of adipocyte metabolism”
Per-Olof Berggren, Dept of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, ”The Eye as a Tool in Diabetes Research and Clinic”
Lisa Juntti-Berggren, Dept of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, ”Apolipoprotein CIII my brother in crime”
Shane Wright, Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology, “Biased signalling of receptor targets in the treatment of type II diabetes and obesity”