Swedish Diabetes Summit

These meetings aim to bring together Swedish researchers within diabetes forming an arena for new interactions and collaborations. Another important feature is to expose the Swedish research community to world-leading research within the area. The two Swedish SFOs in diabetes, SRP Diabetes and EXODIAB, have the responsibility to ensure a continuity of these meetings.

Umeå Väven Scenen
Photo: N/A

5th Swedish Diabetes Summit May 21-23, 2025

This three-day lunch-to-lunch meeting up north in Umeå will include a showcase of diabetes research in Sweden and is co-organized by the two Swedish strategic research areas within diabetes – SRP Diabetes (Strategic Research Program in Diabetes) and EXODIAB (Excellence of Diabetes Research in Sweden) - with involvement from most Swedish universities. It will bring together leading Swedish researchers and practitioners in diabetes to share the latest advancements in research.

Highlights of the Summit:

  • National and international speakers – see the poster below and the registration site for a list of invited confirmed speakers and their topics.
  • Opportunities to present your research either in talks or in posters: submit your abstract.
  • Unique networking opportunities with experts in the field.

Venue: Väven Conference Center, Umeå city center.

Travel/Hotel grant for Karolinska Institutet researchers:

Be among the first 100 KI researchers to register and receive a travel/hotel grant worth SEK 2,000! Don’t miss out on this opportunity—register now to secure your grant, which will be paid after the conference.

Travel by train from Stockholm to Umeå: The program has been adapted to fit those in Stockholm wanting to go by train and still only use the dates of the conference. There is a morning train departing Stockholm Central May 21 at 06.22 arriving Umeå Central at 12.37 which enable you to arrive in time to the meeting. There is an afternoon train departing Umeå Central May 23 at 14.20 arriving Stockholm Central at 20.37. These trains are operated by SJ, book a ticket here in time to secure a seat!

Hotel: You need to book hotel yourself. There are recommended hotels with discounts available, please see the registration site

Abstract submission for POSTER abstracts: Extended deadline is March 23, 2025 at summit website

Abstract submission for ORAL presentations: are now closed!

Registration: NOTE extended deadline is March 23, 2025 at summit website

 Programme: at summit website

NO SRP DIABETES RETREAT IN 2025: There will be no SRP Diabetes retreat organized in 2025 (will return in 2026), and we encourage all to instead join the 5th Swedish Diabetes Summit! (a "national retreat")


Recap: 4th Swedish Diabetes Summit 2022

Time: February 10-11, 2022

Place: virtual through zoom (link will be sent upon registration)

Abstracts: since the meeting will be digital the posters will be transformed into 3 min video presentations. Deadline for abstract submission extended to Feb 1!

Registration, program and abstract submission at this website

News article about the 4th summit

Confirmed speakers in the program:

Keynote lectures

Bruce Spiegelman, Harvard University, Boston, MA

Jens Juul Holst, Copenhagen University DK 


Human islets in diabetes research

Patrik Rorsman, Sahlgrenska akademien, Göteborg

Maike Sander, University of San Diego, California

Al Powers, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 


Cardivascular complications in diabetes

John Pernow, Karolinska Institutet

Andreas Edsfeldt, Lund University 


How to classify diabetes in precision medicine?

John Nolan, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Simon J Griffin, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, UK

Patricia Zaharia, German Diabetes Center, Düsseldorf, DE


Diabetic kidney disease: novel concepts and therapies

Simon Satchell, University of Bristol, UK

Hiddo Lambers Heerspink, University Medical Center Groningen, NL


Non-pharmacological interventions in diabetes

Mike Lean, University of Glasgow, UK

Julia Otten, Umeå University


Hormone signalling and resistance

Charlotta Olofsson, Göteborg University

Maria Pereira, Uppsala University 


Type 1 Diabetes – Innate and adaptive immunity

Malin Flodström Tullberg, Karolinska Institutet

Anna Blom, Lund University



Recap: 3rd Swedish Diabetes Summit in 2018

November 15-16, 2018 I Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm


Download final programme here

Programme Committee

All Swedish universities with medical faculty took part as well as AstraZeneca, the only pharmaceutical company with substantial research activities in the area in Sweden. Committee members: Anna Krook (chair, Karolinska Institutet), Olga Göransson (Lund University), Magdalena Taube (Gothenburg University), Anita Öst (Linköping University), Johan Jendle (Örebro University), Carina Halleskog (Stockholm University), Ulf Risérus (Uppsala University), Julia Otten (Umeå University) and Daniel Lindén (AstraZeneca).


Main organiser: Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes at Karolinska Institutet (SRP Diabetes), co-organizers: Strategic Research Area EXODIAB and University of Gothenburg.

Sponsors and support

We were very grateful to the following organisations who supported this meeting!

Platinum Sponsors: Novo Nordisk and AstraZeneca


Silver sponsors: Mercodia and Agilent


Supported by: Company of Biologists


Sponsoring as exhibitors:

BioNordika and VitaVerita

Who attended?

This symposium was targeted to Swedish academic and industrial researchers performing both preclinical and/or clinical research within diabetes. Clinically active medical doctors/health care personnel and patient organization representatives could also benefit from the meeting.

We were very pleased with the response for this meeting with more than 320 delegates registered! There are participants from most Swedish Universities, from small and large companies, from the healthcare and from patient organizations. Several companies active in the area are also present with exhibitions. We look forward to two exciting days!


Participation for academic researchers and researchers from small-sized companies (below 50 employees) was free of charge on a first come first serve basis.

Participants from companies with 50 or more employees: a fee of 2 000 SEK is charged to cover the actual costs for the participant.


We had a great response of submissions and were very pleased with having 75 posters to be presented at the dedicated poster session in the evening of Thursday 15th of November during the buffet dinner.

Two of the abstracts submitted to the poster session were selected for a short oral presentation on Thursday 15th of November, see final programme.


Aula Medica at Karolinska Institutet, Solna campus.

Adress: Nobels väg 6, Solna

Content reviewer:
Stefan Nobel