SRP Diabetes support of doctoral education

> Support for doctoral courses within diabetes and metabolism at KI
> Organizing KI Diabetes Day, an annual international symposium w appr. 200 participants
> Organizing the SRP Diabetes-EndoMet-MetEndo Retreat, an annual internal scientific meeting (appr. 170 participants) focussing on junior researchers
> Organizing two seminar series
> Travel Grants for PhD students presenting at the international meetings EASD or ADA

Doctoral courses - support

There is a growing need for scientists to acquire fundamental basic and clinical knowledge of physiology and metabolism to interpret the huge amount of available molecular information in the context of endocrine and metabolic disorders. The greatest challenge faced by researchers in the field of diabetes is to integrate knowledge from several disciplines including molecular biology, cell biology, physiology, and biochemistry, and to functionally characterize novel and known genes and to assess their clinical relevance in human disease. A few lecture and methodological courses is organized at KI given by world leading foreign and Swedish scientists. The former doctoral course programme MetEndo has been discontinued but SRP Diabetes strive to maintain information about available courses in the area. Support for course organizers: SRP Diabetes support organizers of doctoral courses within diabetes and metabolism at KI with up to 10 000 SEK per course. Apply using this application template and submit to 

International recruitment

It is paramount for a leading research centre to recruit at the highest international level to attract the best talent. Therefore, we view international recruitments at all levels as an integral part of the activities within SRP Diabetes. Approximately a third of the PhD students and two-thirds of the post-doctoral fellows originate from other countries. International recruitments are also manifested at the next levels, as a number of junior and senior group leaders within SRP Diabetes have been trained outside Sweden. A well-renowned university, such as KI, helps to recruit internationally. The support structures available to SRP Diabetes, such as key infrastructures, the critical mass of expertise and educational activities, facilitate efforts to recruit top level international students and researchers.

SRP Diabetes Seminar Series

The programme organizes two different seminar series to support interactions both internationally and within the local research community. These seminars are both good learning events as well as opportunities for networking for PhD students.

SRP Diabetes Travel Grants

If you are a PhD student who has been accepted for presenting your research at either the large european diabetes meeting EASD or the large american diabetes meeting ADA, this grant may be suitable for you!

SRP Diabetes-EndoMet-MetEndo Retreat 

The highly attended internal retreat with a few international guest speakers is a forum where PhD students and postdocs network and train in scientific communication. There is a focus on talks by PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows.

KI Diabetes Day

Each year, SRP Diabetes organizes an international scientific symposium on Diabetes and Metabolism at KI with over 200 participants, where PhD Students and postdocs meet and network with renowned international researchers in the field. Poster presentations are available primarily for PhD student and Postdocs.

Swedish Diabetes Summit

These meetings are organized approximately every second year and expands the available networks for PhD students beyond KI by bringing together all Swedish researchers within diabetes forming an arena for new interactions and collaborations. Another important feature is to expose the Swedish research community to world-leading research within the area. The two Swedish SFOs in diabetes, SRP Diabetes and EXODIAB, have the responsibility to ensure a continuity of these meetings.


Stefan Nobel