The Rolf Luft Grant for Instrumentation

Honoring the renowned Swedish diabetes scientist Rolf Luft, SRP Diabetes wishes to support the most excellent younger Principal Investigators (consolidator level) in the field of diabetes and metabolism at Karolinska Institutet to obtain critical instrumentation for their research. Grants for instruments in the range of 200 000 SEK up to 4 MSEK can be applied for. Please note: this grant programme is not connected to the Rolf Luft Foundation who awards the prize "Rolf Luft Award".

New call out! Deadline to apply June 10

Please see the call text with all information on how to apply and the application template that should be used. This time the call is open for all Principal Investigators, regardless of your career stage.


  • Applicants should have their own research line, conducting internationally leading research within the area of diabetes/metabolism and/or diabetes complications.
  • Applicants must present a research plan in the area of diabetes/metabolism and/or diabetes complications.
  • The applicant should be an independent principal investigator (PI) working at least 50 % at a department at Karolinska Institutet.
  • PIs who have received this grant in earlier calls are not eligible to apply again.
  • If awarded, the purchased equipment should be made available to use also for other researchers within SRP Diabetes and KI

RLGI 2024: Call text and application template

2022 Recipients

After an external evaluation two researchers from Karolinska Institutet were awarded the Rolf Luft Grant for Instrumentation:

1. Recipient: RongRong Fan (Dept of BioNut, Huddinge)

Instrument: F.Sight 2.0 single cell dispenser. The F.Sight 2.0 equipment is a bench top machine that allows separation of single cells into the 384 well plate in a more efficient way. It will significantly improve our capacity to develop new single cell epigenetic tools for our project. In addition, the machine can also be used to generate CRISPR KO cell lines.

Contact person for instrument: RongRong Fan. The instrument is in the process of being purchased.

2. Recipient: Johanna Lanner (Dept of FyFa, Solna)

Instrument: 1200B in vitro muscle test system. This is an in vitro muscle test system for intact skeletal muscle of mice from Aurora Scientific (1200B, 4-channels). This muscle test system is the leading solution for quantifying mechanical properties of isolated intact muscle.

Contact person for instrument: Johanna Lanner. The instrument is in the process of being purchased.

2021 Recipients 

After an external evaluation four researchers from Karolinska Institutet were awarded the Rolf Luft Grant for Instrumentation:

1. Recipient: Myriam Aouadi (Center for Infectious Medicine, Dept of Medicine Huddinge)

Instrument: Digital PCR (dPCR). The dPCR technology allows the precise, robust, sensitive and multiplexed quantification of nucleic acid absolute copies in tissues and fluids even in samples where quantity is limited.

Contact persons for instrument, CIM support team Silvia Zuniga Veliz or Laura Espino Paisan

2. Recipient: Mattias Carlström (Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology)

Instrument: InAlyzer (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry; DEXA) Longitudinal measurement(s) of bone, lean and fat masses in rodents.

Contact person for instrument: Mattias Carlström

3. Recipient: Carolina Hagberg (Dept of Medicine Solna)

Instrument: Protein Simple Jess capillary western blot machine. The Jess is a capillary-based nano-immunoassay system that separates pico-grams of protein based on size and allows hands-free, easy antibody detection and quantification. We will use it to study protein changes in adipocyte spheroids and small human adipose tissue biopsies, but any small sample can be analysed using it.

Contact person for instrument: Carolina Hagberg

4. Recipient: Kirsty Spalding (Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology)

Instrument: Biorep Perifusion system. The Biorep Perifusion System allows for cell secretion analysis. In the perifusion assay, the perfusate not only stimulates the cells  but constantly washes away any metabolite secreted by the cell or group of cells under study. The perfusate is then collected in a multi-well plate for further analysis.

Contact person for instrument: Benjamin Dedic


Content reviewer:
Stefan Nobel