Popular science presentations of SRP Diabetes researchers
Here you will find filmed interviews and short popular science presentations of the researchers affiliated to SRP Diabetes.
The presentations are divided by research topic, e.g. which tissue or perspective of diabetes the research focus on.

The insulin producing pancreatic islets
Researchers investigate how the insulin producing cells in the pancreas work and are formed as well as why and how they malfunction or die in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Fat tissue
Several SRP Diabetes researchers study the importance of fat tissue in metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

Skeletal muscle
How this large tissue impacts metabolism and diabetes is the research focus for some of our scientists.

The importance of the liver in metabolic disorders like diabetes, and especially the immune cells of this central organ, are studied by these SRP Diabetes researchers.

One group at SRP Diabetes study why polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) arises in women and the relation to metabolism and diabetes.

Diabetes complications
These researchers investigate how and why different organs are damaged in some subjects with diabetes. Heart and the cardiovascular system, kidneys, eyes and nerves as well as wound healing may be affected.

Clinical diabetes research
These clinical researchers investigate different aspects of diabetes such as effects of gastric bypass surgery, diet and nutrient interventions and novel pharmacological treatments.

New model systems
This SRP Diabetes group develops new model systems to study the human tissue crosstalk in type 2 diabetes.