Rolf Luft Award 2025
Professor Ronald M Evans, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, USA, receives the ROLF LUFT AWARD 2025, for the discovery and the functional characterization of the superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors, ligand activated transcription factors that play a key role in physiology and metabolic disease.

Ron Evans`s Scientific Contributions to Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism: Dr. Ronald M. Evans is a renowned molecular geneticist known for groundbreaking work on nuclear hormone receptors that revolutionized our understanding of molecular mechanisms governing gene regulation and metabolic processes. His 1985 discovery of the human glucocorticoid receptor (GR), its complete sequence, molecular blueprint and function, played a pivotal role in unraveling the complex interactions between hormones and genes, opening new avenues of research and shedding light on how hormones control various physiological processes, including metabolism, development, and immune responses.
In 1988 Evans proposed the existence of a Steroid-Thyroid Receptor Superfamily. This was a paradigm shift launching a new era of endocrinology, and ultimately revealing more than 42 previously unknown ‘orphan receptors’ including receptors for Vitamins A and D, thyroid hormone (co-published with Björn Vennström), prostaglandins, bile acids, xenobiotics and more. This led to many new treatments in cancer, metabolism and diabetes. In 2020, Evans' lab uncovered a role for ERRgamma, a key factor for making transplantable human beta cells, bringing us closer to potential cures for Type 1 diabetes. From this body of work, it’s clear Evans has dedicated his career to harnessing nuclear hormone receptors to increase the effectiveness of many disease-therapies.
Award ceremony and Prize lecture on September 10, 2025:
Rolf Luft Award minisymposium will be organized including the award ceremony and prize lecture. More information to come.