National and international research infrastructures
Karolinska Institutet is involved in several national and international research infrastructures, providing frontline technology, knowledge, and resources for our researchers. These infrastructures are co-funded by, for example, the Swedish Research Council and the European Union and are managed in collaboration with other universities and the healthcare sector.
Max IV Laboratory – high-quality X-ray light for research in materials and life sciences
Bioinformatics and computing
National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS)
National Bioinformatic Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS)
National E-infrastructure for Aging Research (NEAR)
REWHARD – RElations, Work and Health across the life-course
SIMPLER – Swedish Infrastructure for Medical Population-Based Life-Course and Environmental Research
Swedish Twin Registry Core Facility (for researchers)
Molecular biology
BioMS – Swedish National Infrastructure for Biological Mass Spectrometry
Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden (CBCS)
National Genomics Infrastructure Sweden (NGI)
Protein Production Sweden (PPS)
Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure (SBDI)
Swedish national biobank for childhood tumours (Barntumörbanken, in Swedish only)
European infrastructures
EBRAINS – a digital infrastructure for neuroscience research
ESS – the European Spallation Source
INFRAFRONTIER – the European Research Infrastructure for Modelling Human Diseases
TEF Health – Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health AI and Robotics
Single point of contact
Didn't you find what you were looking for or are you unsure about which core facility to contact about a specific tool or analytic method? The KI SPOC for research infrastructure can be of assistance.
Please note that researchers within KI and Region Stockholm have priority.
Related news

Agreement with the digital research infrastructure EBRAINS
KI has joined the European research infrastructure EBRAINS, which offers digital tools and services for research into the brain. The purpose is to give KI's researchers access to state-of-the-art resources and to contribute to the development of the area of neuroscience within the EU.