Preclinical Imaging Core Facility (PIF)
The Preclinical Imaging Core Facility (PIF) is a multimodal small animal imaging center located at the Flemingsberg campus. PIF provides advanced imaging techniques and a wide range of services for preclinical studies. The aim is to deliver high-quality data and promote translational research.
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Instrumentation at PIF
PIF currently has five imaging equipment covering eight different modalities within the same barrier. Our goal is to offer the state-of-the-art preclinical imaging technology that insure high quality translational research and hence paves the way to clinical application.

Applications at PIF
PIF strives to develop methods and techniques that can be applied in the research areas of RS and KI, with a particular focus on KS-H/KI-Syd, including cancer, regenerative medicine, transplantation, hematology, cardiology, vaccines, nanotechnology and advanced cell, gene and tissue therapies (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, ATMP).

Education at PIF
PIF actively participates in the education of researchers and doctoral students. We organize preclinical imaging workshops and doctoral courses regularly to promote the application of non-invasive imaging methods in animal experiments for RS and KI researchers.

Portal South, PIF and FENO - connected to the animal facility PKL
The Preclinical Imaging Core Facility (PIF), the Morphological Phenotype Analysis (FENO) and Portal South are all core facilities that offer services connected to the animal facility Preclinical Laboratory (PKL) at Campus Flemingsberg. The close collaboration between the core facilities makes transfer between facilities seamless.

Facts about PIF
Location: Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge
Head of PIF Core Facility: Moustapha Hassan
Scientific Director: Ying Zhao
Key words: Multi-modality imaging, Bioluminescence imaging (BLI), Fluourescence imaging (FLI), Micro-computed tomography (µ-CT), Micro-ultrasound imaging (µ-US), Photoacoustic imaging (PA), Positron emission tomography (PET), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Magnetic particle imaging (MPI)
Departments: Department of Laboratory Medicine (LABMED), Karolinska Institutet and Preclinical Laboratory (PKL), Research, Education and Development (FOUU), Karolinska University Hospital