Animal experimental core facilities
At Karolinska Institutet, the managing organisation for all aspects of animal experimentation in research is Comparative Medicine. Our scientists also have access to animal facilities managed by the Karolinska University Hospital.

Animal Behavior Core Facility
The Animal Behavior Core Facility (ABCF) is the new core facility at Karolinska Institutet for behavioral studies in mice and rats. ABCF is designed to provide optimal environment, state-of-the-art instrumentation and technical/educational support to perform behavioral tests ranging from basic phenotype characterization to advanced analyses.
Import Portal
Generally, laboratory animals imported to animal facilities have to go through quarantine first due to unsure or unsatisfactory health status. The Import Portal – Portalen is a quarantine core-facility managed by Comparative Medicine (KM).
Manipulation of gene expression during mouse development is a powerful tool for querying the role of specific genes in development and disease. The Infinigene core facility utilizes ultrasound-guided nano-injection to introduce DNA-modifying agents during embryonic development, or in adult mice.
Karolinska Experimental Research and Imaging Centre
Karolinska Experimental Research and Imaging Centre (KERIC) conducts imaging analyses in experimental systems in combination with experimental surgery in large animals like swine as well as in rodents. This facility is managed by the Karolinska University Hospital in Solna (North Campus area).
Morphological Phenotype Analysis Core Facility (FENO)
Morphological Phenotype Analysis Core Facility (FENO) facility specialises in the pathology of genetically engineered mice. This core facility is managed by the Karolinska University Hospital in Flemingsberg (South Campus area).
Preclinical Laboratory (PKL) Portal South
Preclinical Laboratory (PKL) Portal South offers cryopreservation techniques and rederivation services in mouse lines, as well as support when it comes to arranging transport, various certificates and contacts with authorities of different countries to facilitate import and export. The facility is managed by the Preclinical Laboratory (PKL) at the Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge (South Campus area).
Transgene Technologies
The KCTT mouse transgenic core facility offers generation and storage of genetically modified mice and related techniques. The KCTT facility is managed by Comparative Medicine (KM).
X-ray Irradiation Core Facility – nodes KM
The X-ray Irradiation Core Facility – nodes KM is an X-ray cabinet for irradiation of small animals managed by Comparative Medicine, Karolinska Institutet. The cabinets can be used for whole body irradiation or focal irradiation.
Zebrafish Core Facility
The Zebrafish Core Facility at Karolinska Institutet is the largest zebrafish facility in the Nordic countries. The core facility offers everything from the provision of animals, technical training to the running of complex research projects, and welcome both internal and external academic research groups, as well as non-academic customers. No previous experience with the zebrafish model needed.
How to book a core facility
iLab booking system for core facilities
Already know what you are looking for? Login to our booking system in iLab and make a reservation. You need a digital SWAM-ID from a Swedish university (the KI-ID at Karolinska Institutet) to login. It is also possible to register for an account as an external user.
Please note that all core facilities at KI are not available in iLab. Visit their webpages to find out.
Single point of contact
Didn't you find what you were looking for or are you unsure about which core facility to contact about a specific tool or analytic method? The KI SPOC for research infrastructure can be of assistance.
Please note that researchers within KI and Region Stockholm have priority.
More resources

Comparative Medicine
Comparative Medicine deals with all aspects of activities related to animal experimentation in research at Karolinska Institutet.
We also offer some of our services to other educational institutions or research laboratories in Sweden.