The MR center
The MR Center is a core facility that handles the Magnetic Resonance research capacity at the Neuroradiology Clinic. It is equipped with a 3 Tesla GE SIGNA Premier, owned by Karolinska Institutet thanks to a generous donation from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation in 2010.
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Information for users

Information for patients

Fire safety in BioClinicum
On this page you can read about fire safety, procedures for fire and evacuation alarms, and the specific risks of fires in laboratory premises.

Facts about the MR Center
Location: J4:10, floor 4, BioClinicum, Solnavägen 30, Solna.
Manager: Jörgen Rosén
Department: Department of Clinical Neuroscience
External use: MR Center is also available to external users (find out more about External use of KI's core facilities)