NatMEG Core Facility
The Swedish National Core Facility for Magnetoencephalography (NatMEG) is a national infrastructure, available for researchers from all across Sweden. It is the first and only core facility in Sweden for whole-head measurements of neuronal brain activity using magnetoencephalography (MEG).
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MEG for beginners

NatMEG Ongoing studies

NatMEG activities
Conferences, seminars, courses, and other events hosted by NatMEG.

NatMEG videos and tutorials

NatMEG publications
A selection of recent user publications that use data recorded at NatMEG.

NatMEG directions
The NatMEG laboratory is located at the bottom level at Nobels väg 9 (D235), at Karolinska Institutet Campus Solna.

Facts about NatMEG Core Facility
Location: NatMEG Core Facility is located at Nobels väg 9, KI Campus Solna.
Scientific Director: Daniel Lundqvist
Core Facility Head: Christoph Pfeiffer
Department: Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Keywords: Magnetoencephalography (MEG), Electroencephalography (EEG), On-scalp MEG, Cognitive neuroscience, Clinical neuroscience, Epilepsy, Parkinson's Disease
Funding: Karolinska Institutet, Swedish Research Council
External use: NatMEG is also available to external users (find out more about External use of KI's core facilities)