Imaging and X-ray core facilities
Karolinska Institutet offers a wide range of imaging and X-ray infrastructures. Our facilities collaborate closely with other world-leading centres to ensure that we stay at the forefront of the field.

3D-EM Core Facility
The 3D-EM Core Facility is a new electron microscopy facility located in the Wargentin building at campus Solna. It is equipped with the best possible apparatus and thereby enables a much broader group of researchers to utilize the enormous advances in electron microscopy in recent years.
Autoradiography Core Facility
The Autoradiography Core Facility (ARG) is a core facility for radioligand binding and autoradiography, critical components in pharmacology and cellular signaling research, as well as for development of ligands for usage in positron emission tomography (PET).
Biomedicum Imaging Core
The Biomedicum Imaging Core Facility (BIC) is a close collaboration between two cell imaging core-facilities at KI Campus Solna (north) – the CLICK facility and the CMB microscope facility. These core facilities are equipped with top-notch imaging systems suitable for live cell time-lapse, deep tissue, ion, spectral, confocal or general fluorescence imaging, and much more.
Brain Molecular Imaging Centre
The Brain Molecular Imaging Centre (BMIC) is a core facility for molecular imaging of the brain using positron emission tomography (PET). The aim of BMIC is to provide expertise and competence for brain imaging PET studies in human subjects and animals. BMIC supports research studies in for example psychiatric disorders, neurodegenerative disorders and neuropsychopharmacology, but also a range of studies on other diseases and normal process in or outside the brain.
Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMil)
The Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMil) offers conventional preparation for TEM and SEM, as well as preparation for immunohistochemistry, morphometric analysis, and low temperature techniques such as low temperature embedding, high pressure freezing and cryosectioning (Tokuyasu method).
Histological Core Facility
The Histological Core Facility (Histocore) is located in Biomedicum, campus Solna and has a number of cryostats, microtomes, dehydration machines and embedding platforms. At HistoCore you can do anything related to histology, from tissue preparation to histological stainings.
KARMITH Core Facility
The Karolinska Microscopic Imaging in Thrombosis and Hemostasis Core Facility (KARMITH) is located at BioClinicum, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna. The purpose of the KARMITH Core Facility is to provide imaging service using state-of-the-art technology, primary in the field of thrombosis and hemostasis and cardiovascular research, but potential users from other research fields are also welcome upon agreement.
Karolinska Experimental Research and Imaging Centre
The Karolinska Experimental Research and Imaging Centre (KERIC) conducts Imaging analyses in experimental systems in combination with experimental surgery in large animals like swine as well as in rodents. This facility is managed by the Karolinska University Hospital in Solna (North Campus area).
Live Cell Imaging Core Facility
The Live Cell Imaging Core Facility (LCI) is an advanced light microscopy facility with top-of-the-line widefield, confocal, light sheet, and super resolution microscopes. Additionally, at the LCI, you can also laser-capture bits of tissues, print protein micropatterns and choose to run ultra-fast imaging, spectral detection, long term live cell imaging, high throughput pipelines.
We offer expert help for sample preparation and imaging and our in-house image analyst will help you build your analysis pipeline. The LCI facility puts education of researchers at the core of its activities with an in-depth user training and a yearly doctoral microscopy course.
MR Center
The MR Center is a core facility that handles the MR Research capacity at the Neuroradiology Clinic at the Karolinska University Hospital. It is equipped with a 3 Tesla GE MR750 Discovery and located in Solna.
MAX IV and ESS for life and medical sciences
MAX IV and ESS are two large national and european research infrastructures in the area of biophysics. The managing organisation is Lund University, but Karolinska Institutet provide some support to facilitate the use of these advanced infrastructures for medical research. MAX IV generates radiation in terms of photons and ESS (the European Spallation Source) in terms of neutrons for imaging, spectroscopy and diffraction measurements at dedicated experimental stations.
National Facility for Magnetoencephalography
The Swedish National Facility for Magnetoencephalography (NatMEG) is the first and only research laboratory in Sweden for whole-head measurements of neuronal brain activity using magnetoencephalography (MEG). NatMEG regularly arranges activities such as invited talks, symposium, analysis workshops and user training.
Preclinical Imaging Core Facility (PIF)
This Preclinical Imaging Core Facility (PIF) is a small animal imaging hub at Flemingsberg campus, and a part of the Preclinical Laboratory (PKL). Preclinical Imaging Facility (PIF) together with PKL provides a full range of preclinical study services for academia and industry sectors, providing them with high quality preclinical study data.
Radiopharmacy Core Facility
The Radiopharmacy Core Facility (RCF) is a combined core facility of Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet. The main purpose of RCF is to facilitate and promote the use and development of radiotracers in translational research, from preclinical to clinical applications within different areas. The development of novel radiotracers at RCF can be broadly applied for imaging research, for example in oncology, psychiatry, neurodegeneration, inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.
X-ray Irradiation Core Facility – nodes ANA Futura and Biomedicum
The X-ray Irradiation Core Facility – node ANA Futura offers X-ray machines for irradiation of biological material, and is located at our campus area in Flemingsberg, South Stockholm region. The X-ray Irradiation Core Facility – node Biomedicum offers a Xstrahl CIX2 X-ray machine for irradiation of biological material and is located at campus Solna, just north of Stockholm City.
Find out more about the X-ray Irradiation Core Facility – nodes ANA Futura and Biomedicum.
X-ray Irradiation Core Facility – nodes KM
The X-ray Irradiation Core Facility – nodes KM is an X-ray cabinet for irradiation of small animals managed by Comparative Medicine, Karolinska Institutet. The cabinets can be used for whole body irradiation or focal irradiation.
How to book a core facility
iLab booking system for core facilities
Already know what you are looking for? Login to our booking system in iLab and make a reservation. You need a digital SWAM-ID from a Swedish university (the KI-ID at Karolinska Institutet) to login. It is also possible to register for an account as an external user.
Please note that all core facilities at KI are not available in iLab. Visit their webpages to find out.
Single point of contact
Didn't you find what you were looking for or are you unsure about which core facility to contact about a specific tool or analytic method? The KI SPOC for research infrastructure can be of assistance.
Please note that researchers within KI and Region Stockholm have priority.

New core facility offers world class imaging technique
In the basement of Wargentin House on Solna campus there are several cryogenic electron microscopes of the latest models, that can be used by both KI researchers and external customers. Read an interview with Martin Hällberg, director of our new 3D-EM facility.

New grant makes KI's brain-imaging lab NatMEG world-class
The national MEG lab at KI is already the only lab in Sweden with equipment to measure neuronal brain activity in real time across the entire brain. Now, a new sensor-system upgrade to its technical equipment will make the lab an international leader in the field.