Histological Core Facility - HistoCore
HistoCore is a histological and immunohistochemical core facility located in Biomedicum. We provide expertise and equipment for histology, immunohistochemistry, and RNAscope. Our services include routine cryo- and paraffin sectioning of tissues from both animal and human sources, as well as organoids. We frequently assist in conceptualization, planning, establishment and optimization of histological, immunohistochemical and spatial approaches tailored to the unique requirements of each project.
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Limited operational capacity at HistoCore
Dear HistoCore Customers,
We want to inform you that our facility is currently facing staffing constraints due to extended sick leaves, which have significantly limited our operational capacity. As a result, we are unable to accept new project requests at this time, except for facility introductions for self-service, dehydration and paraffin embedding. We expect to return to full capacity by the end of the year and appreciate your understanding and patience during this period. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions (histocore-biomedicum@ki.se).
Thank you for your continued support!
HistoCore team
Histocore services
We are available to work with researchers to develop new staining and labelling approaches, based on personal needs. Our main goal is to combine the classic histological approaches with cutting-edge technology like RNA in situ using RNAscope technology.
Histocore rates
List of rates for the services and training offered at the Histocore Core Facility.
Histocore Gallery
Please enjoy a collection of images of tissues processed at the Histocore Core Facility.
Facts about the Histology Core Facility (Histocore)
Location: Biomedicum, House B on floor 5, room B0517
Director: Camilla Svensson
Key words: tissue preparation, histological stainings, immunohistochemistry, RNAscope, tissue microarrays, cryo- and paraffin sections
Department: Department of Physiology and Pharmacology