The KIPRIME podcast
In this podcast series we’ll explore the origins of the KIPRIME and discover the passion and commitment of the people who made it happen. The Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education (KIPRIME) is a major international award and was created to recognise and stimulate high-quality research in the field.

Episode 16 - Diantha Soemantri
The importance of feedback and reflection in medical education – an interview with Professor Diantha Soemantri.

Episode 15 - Joanna Tai
Transforming feedback and promoting inclusion in education - an interview with Dr Joanna Tai.

Episode 14 - Per Palmgren
From learning environments to learning in environments – an interview with Per J. Palmgren.

Episode 13 - Mandana Shirazi
The importance of standardised patients units to maintain patient safety - an interview with Professor Mandana Shirazi.

Episode 12 - Ardi Findyartini
From clinical reasoning to faculty development and sociocultural factors in medical education – an interview with Ardi Findyartini.

Episode 11 - Söeren Huwendiek
21 years of improving medical education – an interview with Söeren Huwendiek.

Episode 10 - Satid Thammasitboon
Why research is the critical component for providing practical solutions to real-world problems – an interview with Satid Thammasitboon.

Episode 9 - Gabrielle Finn
Using arts and humanities to innovate pedagogy - an interview with Professor Gabrielle Finn.

Episode 8 - Sandra Monteiro
Breaking down assumptions in how we look at clinical reasoning – an interview with Dr Sandra Monteiro.

Episode 7 - Anders Sondén
Understanding and improving clinical learning - approaching medical education research from problematic elements- an interview with Anders Sondén.

Episode 6 - Veena Singaram
Addressing power dynamics and hierarchy in clinical training environments - an interview with Veena Singaram.

Episode 5 - Dan Schumacher
Studying patient-focused approaches to physician performance assessment – an interview with Dr Dan Schumacher.

Episode 4 - Yoon Soo Park
The Impact of Validity Research on Innovative Assessments - An Interview with Yoon Soo Park.

Episode 3 - Professor Ahmed Rashid
The Impacts of Globalisation on Medical Education – an interview with Professor Ahmed Rashid.

Episode 2 - Dr Sayra Cristancho
How to support training and practice for resilient teaming in healthcare – an interview with Dr Sayra Cristancho.

Epiode 1 - Professor Kevin Eva
Spanning the lifespan of the health professional - an interview with 2022 KIPRIME winner Professor Kevin Eva.

Episode 14 - Professor Rola Ajjawi
Social, relational, and cultural influences on learning to promote student success – an interview with Professor Rola Ajjawi.

Episode 13 - Professor Samar Abdelazim Ahmed
A unique approach to cultural contextualisation - an interview with Professor Samar Abdelazim Ahmed.

Episode 12 - Dr. Laura Zwaan
Improving the clinical reasoning process – an interview with Dr Laura Zwaan.

Episode 11 - Dr. Bridget O’Brien
Understanding and Improving Workplace Learning – An interview with Dr. Bridget O’Brien.

Episode 10 - Nikolaos Christidis
From dentistry to pedagogical research – an interview with Nikolaos Christidis.

Episode 9 - Christopher John Watling
The difficulties of coaching doctors and why feedback can often go wrong – an interview with Christopher John Watling.

Episode 8 - Professor Christina St Onge
An alternative approach to tackling issues of validity – an interview with Professor Christina St Onge.

Episode 7 - Professor Madawa Chandratilake
The impact of culture on professionalism in health professions - an interview with Professor Madawa Chandratilake.

Episode 6 - Dr. Lara Varpio
Failure in health professions education & scholarship and finding your voice as a medical education researcher – an interview with Dr. Lara Varpio.

Episode 5 - Anna Pettersson
Learning Anatomy: Understanding anatomical structures presented as 3D visualizations – an interview with Anna Pettersson.

Episode 4 - Professor Paul Tiffin
Predicting educational outcomes from individual differences – an interview with Professor Paul Tiffin.

Episode 3 - Professor Anique de Bruin
Understanding how health professionals in training learn to self-regulate – an interview with Professor Anique de Bruin.

Episode 2 - Dr Mahan Kulasegaram
How utilising assessment big data can optimize future programmes for learners, teachers, and clinical care – an interview with Dr Mahan Kulasegaram.

Episode 1 - Intro and Dr Liselotte Dyrbye
Influencing change and improving the learning and work environment within medical education – an interview with Dr Liselotte Dyrbye.
Episodes 2020

Episode 1 - a brief history
In this first episode of the KIPRIME podcast, host Alina Jenkins guides us through the origins of the prize and the passion and commitment which made it happen.

Episode 2 - Professor Brian Hodges
Competence, compassion and the future of the health profession – an interview with Professor Brian Hodges.

Episode 3 - Professor Lorelei Lingard
The role of language on healthcare teams – an interview with Professor Lorelei Lingard.

Episode 4 - Professor David Irby
The properties of excellent clinical teaching: being a context expert is not enough – an interview with Professor David Irby, KIPRIME Awardee 2010.

Episode 5 - Dr. Glenn Regehr
Conceptualizing methodology and its relationship to theory - an interview with Dr. Glenn Regehr, KIPRIME Awardee 2020.

Episode 6 - Nicole N. Woods
The role of basic science knowledge in clinical reasoning and the development of medical expertise - an interview with Nicole N. Woods, KIPRIME Fellows.

Episode 7 - Walter Eppich
The synergies between simulation and workplace learning using talk and team interactions - an interview with Walter Eppich, KIPRIME Fellows.

Episode 8 - Thirusha Naidu
Global North-South engagement in medical education research and teaching - an interview with Dr Thirusha Naidu, KIPRIME Fellows.

Episode 9 - Jerome Rotgans
Examining the neuroscientific correlates of clinical reasoning – an interview with Jerome Rotgans, KIPRIME Fellows.

Episode 10 - Klas Karlgren
Medical education as a design discipline: developing interventions and tools which create conditions for learning activities - an interview with Klas Karlgren.

Episode 11 - Dawit Wondimagegn
The exploration of power dynamics and equity in the context of global health educational partnerships – an interview with Dr Dawit Wondimagegn.

Episode 12 - Liz Molloy
How feedback literacy is enacted in the health workplace – an interview with Dr Liz Molloy.

Episode 13 - Ming-Jung Ho
Medical professionalism across cultures – an interview with Dr Ming Jung-Ho.

Episode 14 - Terese Stenfors
Lifelong learning for health care professionals - an interview with Terese Stenfors.

Episode 15 - Pim Teunissen
Workplace learning in healthcare – an interview with Dr Pim Teunissen.

Episode 16 - Rashmi Kursurkar
Motivation and self-determination theory; developing students for life - an interview with Dr Rashmi Kusurka.

Episode 17 - Meredith Young
How problems get solved in Health Professions Education – an interview with Dr Meredith Young.

Episode 18 - Shiphra Ginsburg
The assessment of learners in health professions education – an interview with Dr Shiphra Ginsburg.

Episode 19 - Cees van der Vleuten
Evaluation and assessment in medical education - an interview with 2012 KIPRIME winner Dr Cees van der Vleuten.

Episode 20 - John Norcini
A pioneer in medical education and KIPRIME winner in 2014 – an interview with Dr John Norcini.

Episode 21 - Geoff Norman
From nuclear physics to reforming medical curricula - an interview with the 2008 prize winner Geoff Norman.

Episode 22 - Richard Reznick
Surgeon, leading medical educator and a pioneer of the OSCE - an interview with Dr Richard Reznick.