Cecilia Jylhä
Affiliated to Research
E-mail: cecilia.jylha@ki.se
Visiting address: Karolinska Institutet, BioClinicum J10:20, Visionsgatan 4, 17164 Solna
Postal address: K1 Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, K1 MMK Klinisk genetik, 171 76 Stockholm
About me
- I defended my thesis on DNA repair at Stockholm University in 2011. With an
increased focus on cancer, I continued as a researcher in the DNA repair
field for a few years while moving to SciLifeLab in Solna. I spent 2014 at
the Institute of Cancer Research in London, where I came even closer to the
clinical setting in my aims to optimise radiotherapy for different tumors.
My progression from basic research towards patient care has since May 2017
taken me to the group of Katarina Le Blanc at KI, where we develop cell
therapies and produce mesenchymal stem cells intended for clinical use.
* M.Sc. in Cell- and Molecular Biology at Södertörn University College
* PhD in Molecular Genetics at Stockholm University
Article: CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH. 2024;30(13):2764-2771
Article: NPJ PRECISION ONCOLOGY. 2024;8(1):44
Article: NEURO-ONCOLOGY ADVANCES. 2024;6(1):vdae008
Article: WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. 2023;41(12):3421-3427
Article: CYTOTHERAPY. 2023;25(9):956-966
Article: FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY. 2023;13:1176698
Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2021;11(1):7119
Article: CANCER RESEARCH. 2020;80(17):3530-3541
Article: STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT. 2019;28(17):1177-1190
Article: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH. 2014;42(14):9108-9120
Article: NATURE. 2014;508(7495):215-221
Article: BIOMOLECULES. 2012;2(4):635-649
Article: DNA REPAIR. 2011;10(9):961-969
Article: EMBO REPORTS. 2011;12(7):713-719
Article: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH. 2011;39(8):3166-3175
Article: DNA REPAIR. 2010;9(7):835-841
All other publications
Meeting abstract: CANCER RESEARCH. 2019;79(13):105
Meeting abstract: RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY. 2018;127:s194
Corrigendum: NATURE. 2017;544(7651):508