Professors, Heads of Unit and Research Groups Leaders at IMM


Maria Albin, Unit of Occupational Medicine,

Harri Alenius, Unit of Systems Toxicology

Lars Alfredsson, Unit of Occupational Medicine

Tom Bellander, Unit of Environmental Epidemiology

Matteo Bottai, Unit of Biostatistics

Karin Broberg, Genetics and mechanisms of metals

Sven-Erik Dahlén, Unit of Experimental Asthma and Allergy Research

Bengt Fadeel, Molecular Toxicology

Fang Fang, Unit of integrative epidemiology

Maria Feychting, Unit of Epidemiology

Roland Grafström

Per Gustavsson, Unit of Occupational Medicine

Annika Hanberg, Unit of Biochemical Toxicology

Johan Högberg, Chemical carcinogenesis

Johan Frostegård, Immunology and Chronic Disease

Irene Jensen, Unit of Intervention and Implementation Research

Gunnar Johanson, Unit of Integrative Toxicology

Bertrand Joseph, Unit of Toxicology

Anders Lindén, Unit of lung and airway research 

Lena Palmberg, Unit of Integrative Toxicology

Göran Pershagen, Unit of Environmental Epidemiology

Ulla Stenius, Chemical carcinogenesis

Marie Vahter, Unit of Metals & Health

Alicia Wolk, Epidemiology: Diet, contaminants and health

Agneta Åkesson, Epidemiology: Diet, contaminants and health


Senior Lecturer

Mikael Adner, Unit of Experimental Asthma and Allergy Research

Anna Bergström, Unit of Environmental Epidemiology (Head of IMM)

Sofia Carlsson, Unit of Epidemiology

Maria Kippler, Metal Toxicology

Lydia Kwak, Unit of Intervention and Implementation Research

Karin LeanderCardiovascular epidemiology 

Johanna Zilliacus, Unit of Biochemical Toxicology


Head of Units

Mikael Adner, Unit of Experimental Asthma and Allergy Research

Jenny Selander, Unit of Occupational Medicine

Harri Alenius, Unit of Systems Toxicology

Anna Bergström, Unit of Environmental Epidemiology  (Head of IMM)

Matteo Bottai, Unit of Biostatistics

Kristian Dreij, Unit of Biochemical Toxicology

Maria Kippler, Unit of Metals & Health

Bengt Fadeel, Unit of Molecular Toxicology

Fang Fang, Unit of Integrative Epidemiology

Maria Feychting, Unit of Epidemiology

Johan Frostegård, Unit of Immunology and Chronic Disease

Bertrand Joseph, Unit of Toxicology

Lydia Kwak, Unit of Intervention and Implementation Research

Anders Lindén, Unit of Lung and Airway Research

Lena Palmberg, Unit of Integrative Toxicology

Craig Wheelock, Unit of Integrative Metabolomics

Johanna Zilliacus, Unit of Education

Agneta Åkesson, Unit of Cardiovascular and Nutritional Epidemiology


Research Group Leaders

Iben AxénUnit of Intervention and Implementation Research

Anna Beronius, Health risk assessment methodology 

Christina BjörklundUnit of Intervention and Implementation Research

Theo BodinThe New World of Work 

Apostolos Bossios, Immunoregulation of environmental-induced airway inflammation in severe asthma and bronchiectasis

Emma BrulinSustainable work & occupational safety and health 

Sofia Carlsson, Unit of Epidemiology

Daniel Falkstedt, Working life, ergonomics, psychosocial factors, and health 

Nanna FyhrquistEnvironmental exposure and health 

Olena Gruzieva, Unit of Environmental Epidemiology

Hanna Karlsson, Particle toxicology 

Susanna Larsson, Unit of Cardiovascular and Nutritional Epidemiology

Karin Leander, Cardiovascular epidemiology

Petter Ljungman, Unit of Environmental Epidemiology

Donghao Lu, Women's Mental Health Epidemiology

Karin Modig, Ageing and Health 

Linda SchenkAssessing and manageing chemical risks 

Emma Wincent, Toxicological Mechanisms

Mattias Öberg, Risk assessment

Anna Persson