Unit of Intervention and Implementation Research in Occupational Health

We research methods to identify risks for ill-health and promote health, work ability and productivity in the workplace and in private life. There are great benefits to investing in work environment and health-related efforts for both the individual, the employer, society and the crucial thing is that results are quickly used and beneficial. We therefore also carry out implementation research where we investigate how we can effectively introduce new knowledge into different types of operations.


Research groups


All publications from group members

Staff and contact

Head of Unit

Contact persons

All members of the group

Visiting address

Institutet för miljömedicin, Karolinska Institutet, Nobels väg 13, Stockholm, 17177, Sweden

Postal address

Institutet för miljömedicin, Karolinska Institutet, Box 210, Stockholm, 17177, Sverige

Research area

We aim to promote evidence-based practice in health promoting interventions at the workplace by:

  • Developing and evaluating methods to promote health, workability and productivity
  • Evaluate the method’s cost-effectiveness
  • Develop support for effective implementation
  • Develop methods for occupational health economic analysis
  • Evaluate interventions from an occupational health economic perspective

Our research area includes organisational and social work environment, work-health work environment, work-health economics, and two main disease areas (musculoskeletal conditions and mental ill health) which are the two most prevalent causes of sickness absence and reduced workability.

The unit works actively to develop knowledge within occupational health and methods to promote occupational health. Research is conducted within collaboration with external partners, such as the occupational health services and employer representative partners from both the public and private sectors.  In collaboration with other universities we have developed Kompetenscentret för företagshälsa.

Finally, we are involved in teaching on master-and doctoral-level, for example within the master-program Work and health and the doctoral course Intervention- and implementation research.


Epidemiology Health Care Economics and Organizations Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy Health Plan Implementation Occupational Health Occupational Health and Environmental Health Public Health, Global Health and Social Medicine Risk Factors Show all
Anna Persson