SweJEM: Noise

A quantitative job-exposure matrix (JEM) for occupational noise including a large set of measurements, a detailed exposure level assessment and spanning over an extensive time period 1970-2014.

The JEM was developed by a group of experienced occupational hygienists and occupational safety engineers using measurements performed and reported by occupational hygienists, occupational safety engineers, or similar, from 1970-2014. The measurements included, either the originally A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level over 8 hours LAeq(8h) measurements or calculated Laeq(8h) levels from partial measurements of the working day, provided that the measurement targeted a regular task usually performed during a full workday. In addition to our own measurements, we collected measurement reports in 2008 and 2012 from clinics within the area of occupational health and from occupational safety engineers. Noise exposure assessments were inserted at appropriate time periods for the relevant job family. Thus, forming the JEM. 

The noise JEM contains 321 job families with information regarding occupational noise from 1970 to 2014. The time-period label has a 5-year scale starting in 1970. The estimated average over 8-hours (TWA) noise level in decibel [dB(A)] for every job family and 5-year period was coded as 1: <70 dB(A), 2: 70-74 dB(A), 3: 75-79 dB(A), 4: 80-84 dB(A) or 5: 85(+) dB(A). The validity of the JEM was tested, using classification consensus, reached by a second group of occupational hygienists and occupational safety engineers. It has also successfully been tested in several epidemiological studies.


An updated job-exposure matrix for occupational noise: development and validation.
Sjöström M, Lewné M, Alderling M, Selander J, Gustavsson P
Ann Work Expo Health 2023 Dec;():

Occupational exposure to noise in relation to pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders and diabetes.
Lissåker CT, Gustavsson P, Albin M, Ljungman P, Bodin T, Sjöström M, Selander J
Scand J Work Environ Health 2021 Jan;47(1):33-41

Occupational noise exposure and risk of incident stroke: a pooled study of five Scandinavian cohorts.
Thacher JD, Roswall N, Lissåker C, Aasvang GM, Albin M, Andersson EM, Engström G, Eriksson C, Hvidtfeldt UA, Ketzel M, Khan J, Lanki T, Ljungman PLS, Mattisson K, Molnar P, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Oudin A, Overvad K, Petersen SB, Pershagen G, Poulsen AH, Pyko A, Rizzuto D, Rosengren A, Schioler L, Sjöström M, Stockfelt L, Tiittanen P, Sallsten G, Ögren M, Selander J, Sorensen M
Occup Environ Med 2022 Apr;79(9):594-601

Noise exposure and childhood asthma up to adolescence.
Wallas AE, Eriksson C, Ögren M, Pyko A, Sjöström M, Melén E, Pershagen G, Gruzieva O
Environ Res 2020 Jun;185():109404



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Jenny Selander

Principal Researcher
Anna Persson