Professors at NVS

KI professors
Maria Ankarcrona, Experimental Neurogeriatrics
Professor presentation: The role of mitochondria in Alzheimer’s disease
Lars Bäckman, Geriatric Psychology
Professor presentation: Professor Lars Bäckman
Angel Cedazo Minguez, Molecular Neurogeriatrics
Professor presentation: Seeking new ways to diagnose and treat Alzheimer’s at an early stage
Azita Emami, Nursing
Professor presentation: Egenskaper och upplevelser formar oss mer än etniskt ursprung
Lars E Eriksson, Nursing
Professor presentation: From patients’ stigma to early detection of cancer
Johan Fastbom, Geriatric Pharmacology
Professor presentation: Professor Johan Fastbom
Laura Fratiglioni, Medical Epidemiology
Professor presentation: Professor Laura Fratiglioni
Johan Fritzell, Social Gerontology
Professor presentation: The ageing society is a challenge
Staffan Josephsson, Occupational Therapy
Professor presentation: Professor Staffan Johsephsson
Linus Jönsson, Health Economics
Professor presentation:
Lena von Koch, Healthcare Research
Professor presentation: Professor Lena von Koch
Ann Langius-Eklöf, Nursing
Professor presentation: Professor Ann Langius-Eklöf
Lena Nilsson-Wikmar, Physiotherapy specialising in Education
Professor presentation: How teaching methods can be developed to improve student learning
Agneta Nordberg, Clinical Neuroscience
Professor presentation: Professor Agneta Nordberg
Marianne Schultzberg, Clinical Neuroscience
Professor presentation: Professor Marianne Schultzberg
Lars-Olof Wahlund, Geriatrics
Professor presentation: Professor Lars-Olof Wahlund
Eric Westman, Neurogeriatrics
Professor presentation: Seeking mechanisms behind neurodegenerative disorders
Bengt Winblad, Geriatrics
Professor presentation: Professor Bengt Winblad
Per Wändell, Family Medicine
Professor presentation: Professor Per Wändell
Weili Xu, Geriatric Epidemiology
Professor presentation: Seeking approaches to preventing dementia
Johan Ärnlöv, Family Medicine
Professor presentation: Looking for biomarkers that can reveal kidney disease at an early stage
KI professors with combined clinical positions
Maria Eriksdotter, Geriatrics/Senior physician
Professor presentation: Professor Maria Eriksdotter
Erika Franzén, Physiotherapy/Physical therapist
Professor presentation: Challenging exercises effective for Parkinson’s
Caroline Graff, Genetic Dementia Research/Specialist physician
Professor presentation: Professor Caroline Graff
Susanne Guidetti, Occupational Therapy/Occupational therapist
Professor presentation: Rehabilitation on the patient’s terms
Maria Hagströmer, Physiotherapy/Physical therapist
Professor presentation: Understanding and using physical activity for health
Miia Kivipelto, Clinical Geriatric Epidemiology/Specialist physician
Professor presentation: Professor Miia Kivipelto
Gunnar Nilsson, Family Medicine/District medical officer
Professor presentation: Professor Gunnar Nilsson
Ulrica Nilsson, Nursing/Nurse
Professor presentation: Developing e-health for improved care
Dorota Religa, Geriatrics/Senior physician
Professor presentation: Quality care when body and cognition start to fail
Yvonne Wengström, Nursing/Nurse
Professor presentation: Improving the well-being in dialogue with the patients
KI professors emerita/emeritus
Lars Agréus, General Medical Gastroenterology
Professor presentation: Professor Lars Agréus
Lena Borell, Occupational Therapy
Professor presentation: Professor Lena Borell
Louise Nygård, Occupational Therapy
Professor presentation: Professor Louise Nygård
Christina H. Opava, Physiotherapy
Professor presentation: Professor Christina H. Opava
Lars-Erik Strender, General Medicine
Professor presentation: Professor Lars-Erik Strender
Agneta Ståhle, Physiotherapy
Professor presentation: Professor Agneta Ståhle
Mats Thorslund, Social Gerontology
Professor presentation: Professor Mats Thorslund
Lotta Widén Holmquist, Physiotherapy
Professor presentation: Lotta Widén Holmquist
Adjunct professors and Visiting professors
Foreign Adjunct Professors
Patrizia Mecocci, Translational Geriatrics, Division of Clinical Geriatrics 2022–2024
Alexander Molassiotis, Supportive and Palliative Care, Division of Nursing 2022–2025