Professors at NVS

Professors' Inauguration in Aula Medica on October 15th 2020
Professors' Inauguration in Aula Medica on October 15, 2020. Photo: Erik Cronberg.

KI professors

Maria Ankarcrona, Experimental Neurogeriatrics
Professor presentation: The role of mitochondria in Alzheimer’s disease

Lars Bäckman, Geriatric Psychology
Professor presentation: Professor Lars Bäckman

Angel Cedazo Minguez, Molecular Neurogeriatrics
Professor presentation: Seeking new ways to diagnose and treat Alzheimer’s at an early stage

Azita Emami, Nursing
Professor presentationEgenskaper och upplevelser formar oss mer än etniskt ursprung

Lars E Eriksson, Nursing
Professor presentation: From patients’ stigma to early detection of cancer

Johan Fastbom, Geriatric Pharmacology
Professor presentationProfessor Johan Fastbom

Laura Fratiglioni, Medical Epidemiology
Professor presentationProfessor Laura Fratiglioni

Johan Fritzell, Social Gerontology
Professor presentationThe ageing society is a challenge

Staffan Josephsson, Occupational Therapy
Professor presentationProfessor Staffan Johsephsson

Linus Jönsson, Health Economics
Professor presentation:

Lena von Koch, Healthcare Research
Professor presentation: Professor Lena von Koch

Ann Langius-Eklöf, Nursing
Professor presentation: Professor Ann Langius-Eklöf

Lena Nilsson-Wikmar, Physiotherapy specialising in Education
Professor presentationHow teaching methods can be developed to improve student learning

Agneta Nordberg, Clinical Neuroscience
Professor presentation: Professor Agneta Nordberg

Marianne Schultzberg, Clinical Neuroscience
Professor presentation: Professor Marianne Schultzberg

Lars-Olof Wahlund, Geriatrics
Professor presentation: Professor Lars-Olof Wahlund

Eric Westman, Neurogeriatrics
Professor presentationSeeking mechanisms behind neurodegenerative disorders

Bengt Winblad, Geriatrics
Professor presentation: Professor Bengt Winblad

Per Wändell, Family Medicine
Professor presentation: Professor Per Wändell

Weili Xu, Geriatric Epidemiology
Professor presentation: Seeking approaches to preventing dementia

Johan Ärnlöv, Family Medicine
Professor presentationLooking for biomarkers that can reveal kidney disease at an early stage

KI professors with combined clinical positions

Maria Eriksdotter, Geriatrics/Senior physician
Professor presentationProfessor Maria Eriksdotter

Erika Franzén, Physiotherapy/Physical therapist
Professor presentationChallenging exercises effective for Parkinson’s

Caroline Graff, Genetic Dementia Research/Specialist physician
Professor presentationProfessor Caroline Graff

Susanne Guidetti, Occupational Therapy/Occupational therapist
Professor presentationRehabilitation on the patient’s terms

Maria Hagströmer, Physiotherapy/Physical therapist
Professor presentation: Understanding and using physical activity for health

Miia Kivipelto, Clinical Geriatric Epidemiology/Specialist physician
Professor presentationProfessor Miia Kivipelto

Gunnar Nilsson, Family Medicine/District medical officer
Professor presentation: Professor Gunnar Nilsson

Ulrica Nilsson, Nursing/Nurse
Professor presentation: Developing e-health for improved care

Dorota Religa, Geriatrics/Senior physician
Professor presentationQuality care when body and cognition start to fail

Yvonne Wengström, Nursing/Nurse
Professor presentationImproving the well-being in dialogue with the patients

KI professors emerita/emeritus

Lars Agréus, General Medical Gastroenterology
Professor presentation: Professor Lars Agréus

Lena Borell, Occupational Therapy
Professor presentationProfessor Lena Borell

Louise Nygård, Occupational Therapy
Professor presentation: Professor Louise Nygård

Christina H. Opava, Physiotherapy
Professor presentation: Professor Christina H. Opava

Lars-Erik Strender, General Medicine
Professor presentation: Professor Lars-Erik Strender

Agneta Ståhle, Physiotherapy
Professor presentation: Professor Agneta Ståhle

Mats Thorslund, Social Gerontology
Professor presentation: Professor Mats Thorslund

Lotta Widén Holmquist, Physiotherapy
Professor presentation: Lotta Widén Holmquist

Adjunct professors and Visiting professors

Foreign Adjunct Professors

Patrizia Mecocci, Translational Geriatrics, Division of Clinical Geriatrics 2022–2024

Alexander Molassiotis, Supportive and Palliative Care, Division of Nursing 2022–2025

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