Faria is pursuing a career in the industry to promote chemical safety
Name: Faria Azad
Based: Stockholm, Sweden
Year of graduation: 2024
Bergendorff scholarship holder in 2023
Current role: Product Stewardship Specialist in Toxicology at Perstorp AB

What did you study as an undergraduate (bachelor)?
I did my Bachelor in Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Being born in a third world country like Bangladesh, I always felt that we don't give food enough importance as we should. We eat, obviously, but we do not put enough scientific thought into choosing what to eat and why. I guess that's what intrigued me into studying Nutrition & Food Science.
Why did you choose the Master programme in Toxicology?
After completing my graduate studies in Bangladesh, I started working in Bangladesh Food Safety Authority. While working there, I started realizing there is a lot to be done in the food safety sector of our country. There is not enough research or data to make informed decisions and set country specific health based guidance values for our population. That is why I wanted to learn more on risk assessment and food safety, and that led me to choose Toxicology for my Master's degree.
Where did you conduct your MSc thesis and what was it about?
I did my MSc thesis at Perstorp AB, which is a chemical producing company. It was on a new risk assessment technique called Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). My thesis title was “Traditional Risk Assessment (RA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Comparing two methodologies”. The traditional risk assessment method or RA helps us establish the safe level of products. On the other hand, LCA helps us choose more environmentally friendly products. Being two significantly different concepts, the project attempted to find out ways so that the two groups of experts understand each other better. Besides, LCA was scrutinized from the aspect of user friendliness and input data so that the users can make informed decisions.
How did the Bergendorff summer internship support your research training?
I would say the Bergendorff scholarship was a wonderful opportunity to be engaged in research. I had the privilege to work with Assoc. Prof. Anna Beronius at KI on Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) network and I learned a lot about endocrine disruptors and EATS modalities working under her supervision.
My current work involves risk assessment and it's an evolving field. AOP with its mechanistic data is already contributing in the screening of chemicals. This internship further motivated me to go for a risk assessment related thesis and that got me where I am now!
Looking back on your time at KI and the Master programme in Toxicology, what is the most valuable thing that you learned?
Apart from the top-notch academic knowledge I gained, I believe the most valuable learning has been on problem solving and how to resolve conflicts and reach a decision while working in a group. Toxicology experts know what I'm talking about!
Where are you and what are you doing now?
I am still in Stockholm, Sweden but will soon move to Helsingborg in Southern Sweden to live near my workplace. I am currently working as a Product Stewardship Specialist in Toxicology at Perstorp AB. Yes! I am working at the same place I did my thesis!
What made you decide on this career?
I was always interested in risk assessment. That's why I just grabbed the opportunity when the company offered me a position. I wanted to get hands on experience on real life risk assessment in industrial setting and work closely with the EU REACH legislation.