Cancer Research KI
Cancer Research KI is an overarching umbrella organisation of cancer research at Karolinska Institutet, that includes more than 350 research groups. The aim is to combine cancer research with clinical oncology by bringing together top level cancer scientists from different disciplines, with the goal to aid generating new scientific discoveries that can be rapidly translated into clinical practice for the benefit of patients and society.
The Cancer Research KI missions

Cancer Research KI PI Retreat 2025 Recap
During February 17th and 18th, 80 principal investigators from 13 departments at KI, both from the Solna and Flemingsberg campuses, participated in the Cancer Research KI PI Retreat in Djurönäset. The participating researchers covered pre-clinical, translational, clinical, and epidemiological research areas. The event featured research presentations, elevator pitches, and, for the first time this year, a session on Personalized Cancer Medicine and Clinical Trials, followed by a panel discussion. Additionally, a Fast-Track Collaboration Challenge was held to foster new collaborations among the participating PIs.

En dag för cancerforskning 2024
Watch the recordings of En dag för cancerforskning 2024 here.

2024 Blue Sky grant recipients
Congratulations to the Blue Sky grant recipients of 2024:
Claudia Kutter, Erdinc Sezgin, Joel Rurik, Kimmo Kartasalo, Lisa Westerberg, Niklas Björkström, Oliver Mortusewicz, Qiang Pan Hammarström, Roland Fiskesund, and Tom Erkers

Thuy Tran receives grant from Erling-Persson Foundation to develop method for hard-to-treat cancer
Thuy Tran’s research group has been awarded 8 million SEK over three years from the Erling-Persson Foundation to develop a precision-focused, theranostic method that integrates both diagnostics and treatment of advanced solid tumors. Thuy Tran’s research focuses on creating an innovative, targeted platform that aims to provide less invasive, personalized, and targeted treatment options. The goal is to improve both patient well-being and treatment outcomes.

Two innovation environments at KI win Vinnova grants
Vinnova is investing in precision medicine and awarding grant funding to six innovation environments. Two of them are at Karolinska Institutet, and both focus on treating cancer. The aim of the grants is to fund efforts to bring greater precision to the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases.

Cancer Research at Almedalen Week 2024
Cancer Research KI (CRKI), the Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center (KCCC), and the Precision Medicine Center Karolinska (PMCK) held seminars on precision medicine during Almedalen Week 2024.

Theranostics Trial Center receives 15 million SEK for large investment in precision medicine
Theranostics Trial Center (TTC) at Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital has received a significant grant of more than 15 million SEK from Vinnova to run a new project within precision medicine. By combining image-guided diagnostics and therapy with radioactively labelled targeted drugs, the project aims to revolutionize cancer treatment in Sweden. TTC is one of six new innovation environments receiving funding from Vinnova.

Grant from the Sjöberg Foundation to Hildur Helgadottir
Hildur Helgadottir receives project funding from the Sjöberg Foundation of totally 21 million SEK divided over three years. The funding supports the project “NEO-TIL: A Multicenter Clinical Initiative Conducted by the Swedish Melanoma Study Group”. Co-applicants are Stina Wickström, also at OnkPat, and Göran Jönsson and Ana Carneiro at Lund University and Lars Ny, Roger Olofsson Bagge and Jonas Nilsson at University of Gothenburg.

Jonas Bergh receives the Grand Silver Medal 2024
Professor Jonas Bergh receives the Grand Silver Medal for his world-leading and unique contributions to cancer research at Karolinska Institutet. The medal has been presented since 2010 to individuals who have made tremendous efforts to support the activities of KI and is recognized during the installation ceremony at Aula Medica on October 3.

Prevention plays a crucial role in the fight against cancer
Read about Karolinska CCC Day 2024, which took place on April 12 and focused on prevention.

Recap of Cancer Research KI, PI-Retreat 2024
From February 19th to 20th, 2024, Cancer Research KI hosted its first PI-Retreat, bringing together Principal Investigators (PIs) and group leaders engaged in cancer research at KI. The event aimed to foster extensive networking opportunities within the cancer research domain, broaden scientific perspectives, and catalyze collaborative efforts and funding ventures.

Recap from Karolinska CCC re-accreditation kick-off
In preparation for the re-accreditation according to the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI), a kick-off was held on 6 September at the Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC).

KI and Cancer Research Horizons announce 5-year partnership
Karolinska Institutet and Cancer Research UK’s innovation engine, Cancer Research Horizons, have established a 5-year strategic partnership in November 2022, dedicated to accelerating the translation of academic cancer research into improved treatments for patients.
Events, Seminars and Workshops

Cancer Research KI - PI Retreat 2025
The second Cancer Research KI PI Retreat will take place on 17-18 February, 2025, gathering Principal Investigators (PIs) and group leaders engaged in cancer research from Karolinska Institutet. The meeting will provide high-level possibilities for networking within the cancer research field, opening your scientific horizons, and providing ample new possibilities for collaborations and funding initiatives.

Webinar: Navigating the Regulatory Landscape at Ease – Support at KI for Ethics Applications
In this webinar, Cecilia Martinsson Björkdahl, Manager of the KI Compliance & Data Office will present KI's support when navigating ethical and legal questions.
Date: 07 March 2025
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Location: Online, all registered participants will receive the webinar link closer to the time of the seminar.
The webinar is a joint initiative by CRKI, SFOepi, StratNeuro, StratRegen, and SRP Diabetes.

Karolinska Clinical Cancer Talks
Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center launches a series of seminars, “Karolinska Clinical Cancer Talks”, where distinguished cancer researchers will give talks on topics in cancer research for cancer researchers and clinicians in cancer care.
Next seminar: Prof. George Hanna – "Volatile organic compounds as emerging biomarkers in cancer care"
10th of March 2025, 16:00-17:00, online

Karolinska CCC Day 2025
The Karolinska CCC Day will take place on 31 March 2025.
Registration is now open!
The event is free, but registration is required. You can register here. Don't forget to sign up for the poster session when you register. There will be a prize for the best poster!
Registration and abstract submission deadline: 12 March 2025
More information about the program will come soon.

Radiotherapy Workshop with the National Institute of Oncology Budapest
Save the date for the second radiotherapy workshop in Stockholm within the framework of the "twinning agreement" between KI and NIO. The workshop will cover radiotherapy (RT) related research ongoing at Karolinska University Hospital, KI and NIO. It will cover several topics such as brachytherapy, SBRT, clinical RT trials and preclinical RT research.
Date: 12-13 May 2025
Information about the program and registration will follow.

7th Cancer Swedish Research Meeting in Malmö
Register for the up-coming Swedish Cancer Research Meeting 22-23 May 2025 in Malmö!
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline!!! Please submit your abstract by 14th March 2025.
The meeting is open to all clinical, preclinical researchers and others with an interest in cancer research from the organizing universities.
The four keynote speakers are Douglas Hanahan, Jana de Boniface, Anna Blom, and Julian Downward. The meeting hosts plenary sessions on the themes: Immunotherapy, Prevention and Biomarker Implementation.
Abstract submission deadline: The deadline for abstract submission is 14th March 2025.
Venue: Clarion Hotel & Congress Malmö Live
Host: Lund University Cancer Centre
Organizers: Lund University Cancer Centre - LUCC, Karolinska Institutet - Cancer Research KI, Uppsala & Umeå Universities – U-CAN, University of Gothenburg - Sahlgrenska Center for Cancer Research - SCCR, Linköping University – Linköping Cancer Center - LCC
Grant Announcements

Therapeutic Catalyst Grant
Cancer Research UK Therapeutic Catalyst Awards were launched in late 2021 and have been a great success. The scheme operates as a collaborative venture between research scientists and drug discoverers within Cancer Research Horizons to accelerate the translation of novel ideas for therapeutic discovery. Awards can be up to £250,000 to support a 12–18-month proposal. There are 3 rounds of applications per year held in February, June and October.
Next expression of interest deadline: 6 June 2025.